Chapter 12

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Katsuki got back to his room and hung out by himself for about an hour, lifting weights and going on his phone here and there. Eventually he got a text from a certain half-cold half-hot friend of his.

Half and Half: Can you come to my room for a second? It's kind of urgent.

Katsuki shot up at this as it was unusual for anything to be that urgent with Todoroki, so something must genuinely be going on. He ran out of his door and up the stairs to the floor above him. As he knocked on his door, Todoroki opened it looking cool as a cucumber.

"Hey is everything okay?" Katsuki asked seriously.

"Yea come in for a sec." Todoroki said as he gestured for Katsuki to come in. He closed his door and walked over to his very japanese-style balcony door.

"What's this about?" Katsuki growled with concern. As Todoroki opened his balcony door, there stood a small green-haired boy, nervous as all hell. Katsuki gasped at the sight of the boy looking down, fidgeting with his thumbs.

"You two need to talk. I'll give you as long as you need but text me when you're done, and no one is leaving this room until then." Todoroki said sternly as he closed his balcony door behind Izuku and turned around to leave his room, leaning up against the other side of his own door to keep watch.

The two boys stood there silent for a moment, Katsuki honestly waiting to make eye contact with Izuku but the latter not allowing it. Neither of them knew where to start.

"Kacchan..." Izuku started, not looking up at the blonde in front of him.

"Oh so we're using nicknames right now then, Deku?" Katsuki growled angrily, looking off to the side. Izuku flinched at the angry use of his nickname from the blonde. It reminded him too much of the past.

"I just..." Izuku squeaked out, holding back tears. Katsuki was starting to feel bad but tried to remember the hurt and anger he's been feeling and didn't want to just brush that aside for the boy in front of him.

"Do you even know how you've been making me feel?" Katsuki asked pissed off.

"No... I've been so selfish..." Izuku replied. "Can you tell me?" Izuku looked up at the blonde and made eye contact, his eyes forming a flood of tears and Katsuki could see that, so he dropped his pissed act and got serious.

"I told you to stop shutting me out... and you kept doing it... You've ignored me all day, except for on the roof I'll admit... But you gotta understand why I wouldn't wanna talk..." Katsuki said, lowering his head in hurt. "I've felt so alone recently, ever since we moved in it's like you've accepted the fact that the world is trying to distance us and you basically contributed to it like it was fate." Izuku's tears started falling. "I already told you I don't want to leave you, but you're acting like you want to leave me... I just have no idea what to think now..." Katsuki's eyes started forming tears but he was NOT about to let them fall.

"Katsuki... I'm so sorry..." Izuku said as the tears dripped off his chin. Katsuki just stood there, ready to listen. "I really messed up... I just didn't- want to burden you with my stress... I was getting so burnt out with everything going that- I- even asked All Might if we could stop training for a while." Katsuki's eyes widened. "I haven't been getting good sleep, I'm having a lot of trouble studying, and I can't stop worrying about what the future will do to us. The thoughts won't leave my head!" Izuku yells as he grabs his hair with both hands.

"Izuku..." Katsuki started, making Izuku's eyes widen at hearing his name. He was scared Katsuki wouldn't use it anymore. "I need to know these things... You need to let me try and help you." Katsuki said, keeping a serious tone. "Also you need to realize that worrying too much about the future will make you live the future you fear..." Katsuki said, sighing out with how hard it is to be that serious and deep. This scared Izuku more than the thoughts he's ever had. He couldn't imagine living the future he feared, which meant he had to stop fearing it- he had to stop giving his fear what it wanted. Katsuki couldn't hold it back anymore- his insecurity-
"...Izuku just please... please don't leave me..." Katsuki's tears finally fell down his soft cheeks as he clenched his fists and looked down. Izuku gasped and ran to him, crashing into him and throwing his arms around the blonde's neck. Katsuki didn't hesitate to squeeze his arms around the boy hugging him, crying into the crook of his neck.

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