Chapter 20

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Mina noticed that Eijiro wasn't where she left him, but she heard explosions from a distance and followed the sound of them, expecting Eijiro to be with Katsuki. Sure enough, he was. She rushed over to him on the open ground, throwing Acid Shot at Katsuki over and over to keep him on the defensive.

"Are you okay?" Mina asked, helping Eijiro up quickly.

"I'm fine, he hasn't fully broken my hardening yet. We can do this, it might just have to be on him."

"He'll never stay still long enough, it's impossible!" Mina yelled as the blonde landed on the ground in front of them. Mina quickly stood behind Eijiro as Katsuki lined up his hands to use AP Shot.

"Awe, you need your boyfriend to protect you?" Katsuki teased as he let out a single AP Shot at Eijiro's hardened shoulder. Mina just stared angrily at Katsuki, waiting for her signal.

"Is that all you've got?" Eijiro teased back.

"OH YOU WANT MORE? I CAN GIVE YOU MORE BASTARD!" Katsuki yelled as he started using AP Shot: Auto-Cannon. Eijiro's entire body hardened as he stood and took the shots being thrown at him, none of his hardening cracking any further. As soon as Mina created her acid man, Eijiro rushed from in front of her.

Katsuki was a bit stunned as they both started running up to him, but before he could react rashly, a certain greenette flew out of the woods. As Eijiro and Mina surrounded Katsuki, he stood there and smirked while raising his hand, causing both of them to hesitate. Izuku flew above Katsuki, grabbed ahold of his raised hand and pulled him with him, using an extra explosion to propel them further and escaping the other team. As they flew through the air, Izuku and Katsuki switched positions mid-air, causing Katsuki to be in the front ready to break their fall. As they got close to a tree, he planted his feet on the trunk and allowed Izuku to fly past the tree before he pushed off with all his strength and tightened his grip on his boyfriend's hand, shooting off of the tree and dragging Izuku with him in the air. As he started slowing down he threw the green-haired boy forward at the other team. Izuku shot out Blackwhip at Mina and wrapped it around her Acidman, causing it to break through the acid and grab her actual body. He landed and then did a big bunny hop forward as he turned around at Eijiro, gave him a wink, and then propelled himself backward by sending a flick of Air Force at Eijiro. Izuku shot far towards their jail cell.

"Damn, you guys are really giving it your all, not that I expected you not to." Eijiro addressed Katsuki.

"Yea well what can I say, I love him too damn much to let him lose!" Katsuki yelled as he propelled himself forward at Eijiro.

"Um... did he just say-" Uraraka started from the screen room.

"Kinda sounded like he said-" Jirou added.

"Did he just say he- loves- Midoriya?" Hagakure asked. Shinso snickered, I knew it.

Shoto smiled as the plan was working. All the girls were bewildered, it was actually quite amusing to the heterochromatic boy. Kaminari tilted his head with his mouth gaped, he was hoping he meant he loved him like a bro or else he'd be even more confused. Uraraka started blushing when she remembered what Izuku had told her that time after their first date, that he had a lot to think about. She was right, he was gay. But what she didn't see coming at all was Katsuki. She was just as shocked as everyone else in the room, but nonetheless she was so happy for her best friend, hoping that her theory was right.

As Izuku was dragging Mina to jail, she struggled hard to get out. Her old plan wasn't working, as Izuku was focusing really hard to not let any stray drop of acid affect him as it burns. He hyperfocused on getting her off the battlefield that he didn't even realize any drops of acid were hitting him.

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