Chapter 34

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"You said he was heading to a grocery store in Musutafu?" Aizawa asked his student.

"Fuck, yeah, the problem is I don't know which one his mom usually goes to. Fuck!" Katsuki yelled as his heart was beating irregularly, his palms sweating and his eyebrows twitching. He was stressed beyond belief.

"We'll find him. They won't hurt another one of my kids! Especially his family." Aizawa grumbled, very pissed off and scarf in hand. He and the teen started to use their means for travel, Aizawa using his scarf and Katsuki using his explosions.

Izuku ran up to the grocery store and didn't see his mom anywhere outside. She has to still be inside like she said. He ran in and called out for her, yelling 'mom' as civilians shot him looks of confusion. He ran through the isles, knocking produce down as he shorted the corners. Eventually, he used Float just to lift himself up to see over the isles, not caring if people saw because his mom was in danger. Eventually, he saw a short woman with green hair, half in a bun and half down, rushing outside the store. He yelled for her but she didn't stop. Izuku landed back on the floor and busted out of the store.  She turned quickly to the right down an alley, Izuku following far behind. He didn't see an image of Dabi anywhere, which he thought was off. She took one more turn before she hit the end of the alley and stopped, but didn't turn around. Izuku caught up and yelled 'Mom!' at her and ran up behind her, about to put his hands on her shoulders but not before her hair started dropping a gray-ish liquid. He was stunned and backed up a bit as Inko kept deforming into this gray substance, eventually revealing an almost naked Toga with a big grin.

"Hi Izuku! Did I do well playing your mom? I've been watching her for some time, you know!" Toga twiddled her finger through her bangs. Izuku's eyes widened with shock and anger. He tried to turn around and run but Dabi and Mr Compress were standing behind him a few feet away. He looked up and Twice and Spinner were watching down from the roofs above, ready if he was going to try to go up.

"Where's my mom!" Izuku asked in a pissed tone.

"We didn't touch her!" A voice was heard from up by Spinner and Twice. A shadow crept from the roof above Toga, making Izuku's eyebrows curl with fear. He knew exactly who was talking to him. The figure jumped down from the building, gracefully like a cat. Tomura Shigaraki stood before the greenette, hair bright white rather than the blue-ish gray Izuku was familiar with. All black compression clothes, new red cape, odd hand prosthetic, but still as scrawny as he remembered.

"What do you want, Shigaraki?" Izuku growled.

"Awe how sweet it is to ask! We want you of course! Well, that silly little quirk of yours more specifically." Shigaraki grinned. Izuku's eyes widened. How the hell did he know about me?

"Wh- What are you-"

"Oh the Master told us everything about One For All, little 'All Might.' See the thing is, he knows that it gets passed down generation after generation because it doesn't seem to leave him alone. He prepared me, raised me, to be All For One's successor. After All Might retired and the Master was arrested, we knew what to look for. We studied All Might and who he was close to. We studied his quirk, and we studied UA students. We narrowed it down to you, Izuku Midoriya. You were the successor of One For All, correct?"

Izuku was speechless. Shigaraki's words were honest, angry, and terrifying. He didn't say anything, only accidentally showed his answer on his face.

"So I'm right?" Shigaraki grinned.


Aizawa and Katsuki couldn't split up, they needed each other against the League. Katsuki tried to think hard about possible grocery stores Inko would go to, and then he thought of the one his mom goes to. They were best friends, so why wouldn't they go to the same one, especially on days they went together?

"Aizawa, I know where they are!" Katsuki B-lined it to the store, he knew roughly where it was but he'd figure out any doubts on the way. He was pretty direction-oriented so he excels at finding his way. Aizawa turned and followed Katsuki, running on roofs and launching himself forward with his scarf so he could keep up.

Katsuki saw the grocery store far ahead of him and stressed even more. Thoughts of Izuku filled his head, he raged with anger at the League. He needed to get to his boy quicker. He needed to protect him, not that he couldn't protect himself, but imagining one teenage boy against lord knows how many experienced adult criminals gives Katsuki the impression that his survival rate is six feet underground. He couldn't think that, not Izuku. He wasn't going to die, he couldn't. The blonde's eyes geared up with frustration as he gritted his teeth, steadily picking up speed in the air. Suddenly, his explosions condensed, making him shoot through the sky in a blink. It was like a flurry of explosions as he soared faster. Cluster.

When he landed at the store he ran in and yelled for Izuku and his mom, which confused the manager even more as this was the second teenager to run inside screaming today. Eventually Aizawa caught up and ran in as well, ready to use his quirk if he had to with his scarf in his hands.

"I'm gonna check outside!"

"Bakugo you shouldn't go without me if the League is around!"

"I can take care of myself!" With that, Katsuki ran outside and Aizawa sighed but let him while he frantically searched the store and asked civilians questions. Bakugo ran down an alley, yes- that alley- and took the right turns, ending up at the dead end with a familiar sight ahead of him. The entire League that he knew all too well from his own kidnapping, excluding one freckled greenette.

"Where's IZUKU?!" Katsuki shouted at the top of his lungs as he thrusted himself forward with explosions, loud enough for Aizawa to hear from inside the store. Compress chuckled a bit as he spread his fingers to reveal a marble between his pointer and middle as Katsuki flew forward in mere milliseconds. In the literal blink of an eye, a Nomu flickered into appearance, seeming to have teleported from somewhere. It put a hand out to Katsuki to grab his face and block his attack, slamming him to the ground. The blonde coughed as his ribs felt the memory of being cracked and broken from the sports festival, while not actually breaking at all. The pain was excruciating, and this Nomu creature had to have strength comparable to All Might to cause that sort of pain. At the same time, a large snaked line of ice developed from the roof down the wall of the building behind them, freezing all of the League to the ground.

"WHERE'S IZUKU MIDORIYA?!" The voice on the roof bitterly shouted, flames sprouting from his face and hand.

"Nomu," Shigaraki purred with anticipation. Dabi melted the ice immediately, allowing the Nomu to move closer to the group. They left Katsuki on the ground and all of them touched a part of the Nomu's body. Dabi looked up at Shoto, winked, and spoke up.

"I'll see YOU next time, yeah?" Dabi smirked as Katsuki flinched and struggled to get up, clutching his chest in pain. Shoto thought this was odd. What the hell would that guy want with me? The nomu and the rest of the League then flickered out of existence again, teleporting away from the scene. Aizawa had just turned the corner and missed his chance to erase the Nomu's quirk. He widened his eyes as yet another one of his students- one of his kids- was taken. Shoto frosted his way to the ground using the wall, running to help Katsuki up and check if he was injured.

"Dammit... not again..." Aizawa mumbled under his breath, staring at the ground with fear. Katsuki's eyes were watering with frustration and even Shoto was showing clear signs of emotional distress.

Izuku Midoriya was gone, taken from them.

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