Chapter 10

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As the weeks of the semester went on, Izuku was starting to feel the pressure of final semester exams with everything else going on around him in his daily life. From studying for his academic exams, to his extra training with All Might, to his relationship with Katsuki, it was becoming overwhelming for him. Izuku always studied throughout the year so that when the exams came up, he would be more prepared than ever, but now his extra studying was getting in the way.

    "Alright everyone, your final exams are just a month away, which means a big reveal." Aizawa announced unenthusiastically. "This semester, you will have partners. However, you get to choose your partner." Gasps were heard around the classroom. "Allow me to tell you how it's being graded, hence why we are announcing it so early. You will be graded on ultimate team moves, meaning ultimate moves involving you and your partner. This is to help demonstrate your ability to work with others in the field, however this is less spontaneous considering you are still students." Everyone was practically jumping in their seats, except Izuku and Katsuki who already knew this information. "That isn't all. You will be fighting against each other, duos versus duos." A collective 'HUH?' was heard around the room at this information. "You will be scored on your movements in battle. Sure, the winning team will get the most final points and a guaranteed pass, but the losing team can still pass the exam with how they fight, plus their ultimate moves. They can get extra points for creative ultimate moves, along with certain defensive and teamwork measures taken throughout the fight, like communication or protection. Choose your partners wisely, pair up with someone you know can help you pass." As Aizawa finished, he gestured to the students to start forming their pairs. Izuku was frozen to his desk as he heard everyone talking to each other, terrified of glaring over at Katsuki and ruining any plans running through the blonde's head. He was a better liar than Izuku, so he knew if either of them would make a move to pair up, it'd be Katsuki. "Oh by the way, I need you all to fill out this form with your names to confirm your pairs by the end of the day." Shit, we have to actually pair up in front of everybody? Katsuki froze as he thought about what to say, he needed to do this quickly before anyone else asked them. Luckily, Izuku didn't sit too far away from him.

    "Oi, nerd..." Katsuki spoke up, sounding nonchalant. He was leaning back in his chair with his hands in his pockets. Damn I'm good. He literally didn't do much. Izuku 'lagged' as he turned around shakily to glance at the boy sitting a few seats over.

    "Y-Yea K-Kacchan?" Izuku said, sweating profusely. This actually worked out well for him as it just looked like he was scared that Katsuki would murder him. Katsuki just rolled his eyes to the right as he got up from his chair, grabbed a form from Aizawa, and slammed it onto Izuku's desk. The green-haired boy gulped loudly as he nodded at Katsuki in understanding and started writing down their names.

    "Woah Bakugo, are you serious?" Sero asked in disbelief at what he just saw.

    "Bakugo? And Midoriya? As the first pair? Oh this'll be good..." Jirou said quietly in the back corner as she smirked into her hand, fully expecting their teamwork to crash and burn.

    "WHADDYA SAY LOSER?" Katsuki screamed as he went back to his desk with angry eyes and fanged teeth. It took everything within Izuku to hold in a fit of laughter.

    "You said Bakugo and Midoriya? Geez that's weird..." Kaminari added from across the room. Todoroki turned around to Kirishima as they glared at each other like 'what should we do?' knowing they couldn't just stay quiet.

    "Hey bro, are you sure about that?" Kirishima spoke up with a concerned look on his face. Man he's good at lying, both boys thought. Todoroki was blank, he couldn't think of anything to contribute. Izuku was shaking even more now at the gossip he was now a part of. He stood up from his desk, still sweating, and handed the form to Aizawa. The teacher widened his eyes at the other name on the paper.

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