Chapter 5

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As everyone peeled away from each other at the dinner table, the meal ended in laughter and sweet words. It wouldn't be a typical Bakugo dinner without some yelling from Katsuki and Mitsuki. The day was a huge mess for the boys, but they were relieved with the outcomes from their families. One roadblock was finally down for the couple, and now they had to get ready to move in tomorrow. Mitsuki offered to let Izuku stay the night considering how dark it got, and as much as Izuku wanted to, he knew it would be smart to sleep at his moms one last time before moving back into the dorms again. Katsuki walked Izuku home that night, and the boys shared a really long loving hug with tears at how well their families took their relationship. One more question had to be asked though.

    "Hey Katsuki?" Izuku asked as he pulled away from the blonde's embrace.


    "Do you know when you'd wanna tell the class yet?" Izuku asked, flinching a bit before Katsuki put a hand on his head to ruffle his hair.

    "I'm not exactly sure, but we can do it soon if you want. I feel better now, after telling our parents. I feel- less afraid- less weak..." Katsuki said softly, touching his forehead to Izuku's.

    "I don't wanna rush it, but maybe we can find a fun way to do it!" Izuku said excitedly pulling their foreheads apart.

    "Let's just agree we'll do it first semester, sound good?" Katsuki asked softly.

    "Heh yea okay!" Izuku said happily. Katsuki gave Izuku a tender kiss before leaving his apartment doorstep, walking himself back home.


The next morning Izuku had an alarm set for 8:30 am to give him time to roll around sleepily before getting ready to leave around 9 am (to take his stuff to the dorms). Katsuki, however, didn't set an alarm and slept in. Izuku shot him a text that he wouldn't see until later.

This year the school didn't have a delivery service for the dorms in place until the Sunday before classes, so if the students wanted to move in early they had to move their stuff to the school themselves unfortunately. Aizawa was supervising the dorm building since Thursday just in case any students came by to move in early, which no one did that day except one student. Today was more so the day when a good few of them would move in early.

Inko realized how much stuff Izuku has and how difficult it was to move all of his stuff to UA last year, so she decided to help him move his stuff to Heights Alliance. They had a rolling cart for most of the boxes and then Inko helped hold an extra box. As they got to Heights Alliance's Class 2-A building, Izuku sighed in nerves.

    "Izuku?" Inko asked him with concern.

    "Second year... This is so unreal..." Izuku said while looking down at the ground.

    "I know..." Inko said softly. "Even when you hadn't had your quirk yet, you still knew this would be your future."

    "Yea... I never gave up..." Izuku said, chuckling a bit under his breath. Inko helped him into the front doors with not a single person in the common room besides Mr. Aizawa.

    "Midoriya, you're here early..." Aizawa said tiredly.

    "Okay sweetie I love you!" Inko said as she hugged the freckled boy and flashed Aizawa a smile before leaving the dorm building. Just as Inko was leaving, another family walked in with boxes. A boy with purple spikey hair and a mom with black flowy hair and huge eye bags walked over to Aizawa and Izuku's location.

    "Shinso?!" Izuku said with shocked but bright eyes.

    "Midoriya, surprised?" Shinso said with a tired frown and a slight tilt of his head.

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