Chapter 29

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Three days after the sports festival, Katsuki was still in a coma-like sleep, healing from all of his over exhaustion and wounds from the days prior. Izuku visited him every day along with Eijiro and Shoto. The entire Bakusquad visited him once all together with Eijiro and brought him a get well soon balloon. Even Shinso stopped by at some point, seeing if both Katsuki AND Izuku were doing okay.

Today, Izuku visited Katsuki after classes. Recovery Girl was basically waiting for his return.

"Hey boy, good to see you today." Recovery Girl said while taking a wet cloth off of Katsuki's head. "He had a little bit of a fever earlier but it's gone now. He twitched his eyes earlier too, he might wake up soon." She added with a smile.

"Thank god, I miss him too much." Izuku said with a relieved sigh.

"Don't you think I know that? You come here everyday, do your homework and bring him his just in case he wakes up. I will say it's adorable..." Recovery Girl replied with a pat to Izuku's arm as he walked by her to sit in the stool next to Katsuki's bed. "Midoriya boy, I'm going to go to the faculty office, I'm needed for a meeting at 4. You know what to do if he wakes up!"

"No problem, I'll be here!" Izuku replied with a smile.

As always, Izuku takes the first ten minutes of his visit to just hold Katsuki's hand and talk to him about his day. He runs his fingers through his hair, and he lays his head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. After this, he went to sit at Recovery Girl's desk and start on his homework. He added a new folder of work to the pile of homework he had collected for Katsuki in the infirmary.

After about 7 minutes of doing homework, Katsuki got some more visitors.

"Hey Midoriya!" Kaminari greeted quietly as he walked in with Sero, Eijiro, and Mina.

"How's our little angry pomeranian doing?!" Mina asked Izuku quietly.

"Pomeranian? That's a new one!" Izuku giggled as he got up from the desk chair and pulled the curtain back to reveal Katsuki, who was adorably scrunched up and asleep. "Hm, that's new, when I got here he was just sleeping on his back."

"Well it's adorable nonetheless, never seen him like that!" Mina squealed quietly.

Sero, Eijiro, and Mina went over to 'talk' to Katsuki while Kaminari held his hands out to Izuku for a hug, because it looked like Izuku really needed it.

"I've been hearing noises late at night from your room, are you sleeping?"

"Horribly, but yea." Izuku replied.

"He's gonna be okay, he didn't get too beat up did he?" Kaminari asked as he broke their hug.

"No not at all actually, just a few broken ribs and some other stuff. Recovery Girl thinks he over exhausted himself at the sports festival so he's just allowing himself to stay asleep, nothing major."

"That makes sense I guess." Kaminari replied as he ruffled Izuku's hair playfully.

"So how are you and Jirou? Are things going well?"

"Heh yea, Kyoka tells me all the girl talk."

"That's cute!"

Just then, a small knock was heard from the open door of the office.

"Shoto!" Izuku whispered loudly and waved.

"Oh wow, everyone's here right now, should I come back later?" Shoto asked the greenette in monotone.

"No no it's fine! Come in!" Izuku flashed him a cute inviting smile. Shoto dropped his bag next to Izuku's and walked over to the crowd around Katsuki's bed. Mina was taking pictures of the sleeping blonde.

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