Chapter 6

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Katsuki had just arrived at the dorm building around 2pm with a wheeled service cart of his boxes. He arrived at the same time Kirishima and Kaminari both were lugging their stuff into the building. Kaminari had tons of boxes due to the amount of decor he liked in his room so he had a foldable wagon for all of his stuff, and Kirishima had to make multiple trips for things like his punching bag and weights and such.


"Bakugo... everyone lives here..." Kirishima said disappointed for comedic effect.

"Geez dude do you ever actually say hi to people?" Kaminari asked rhetorically.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Katsuki yelled as he left the cart in front of the stairs and decided to take each box inside one by one to put them near the front doors for now.

"Don't make me give you house arrest again..." Aizawa said, hunched over in exhaustion with his hands in his pockets. Katsuki growled through his gritted teeth as he clammed up and continued bringing the boxes inside, then lifting the empty cart and keeping it in the common room for now. He would have his mom come by to pick it up later.

"I wonder if we're on the same floor again this year," Kaminari pondered to Kirishima.

"Nah bro I doubt it, they said they are changing our rooms every year." Kirishima replied.

"Would it be too much to hope that any of us are on the same floor?" Kaminari asked.

"None of you are on the same floor." Aizawa chimed in grumpily.

"Awe you're kidding!" Kaminari yelled disappointingly.

"No. Here are your keys. Kaminari you're in room 4C, you're neighboring Midoriya." Aizawa started.

"Oh Midoriya? Alright!" Kaminari said excitedly as he took his key and went to start heading his boxes to the elevator.

"Kirishima you're in 5A, here's your key." Aizawa handed him his key as he was off as well. As it came around to Katsuki's turn, he was nervous. Is it too much to hope that me and the damn nerd are on the same floor?

"And Bakugo your room is 2A, your neighbor is Tokoyami." Great, the creepy bird guy.

Katsuki took his key from Aizawa and shot Izuku a quick text, who was just laying casually on his freshly made bed and nearly done unpacking.

Kacchan: My room is 2A, meet me there in 30 minutes.

Izuku sighed as he was disappointed that they weren't on the same floor, not even like remotely near each other. Two whole floors apart. It was already hard enough for them to sneak around last year, and not being on the same floor again kept up that difficulty. Katsuki didn't even know what floor Izuku was on yet so he had hope but not much.

As thirty minutes went by, Katsuki had successfully brought his boxes up to his room before he finally heard three gentle knocks on his door. He got excited. As he opened the door, in shot a green blur of a boy in the blink of an eye.

"Geez what the hell Izuku?" Katsuki chuckled.

"Just making sure no one saw!" Izuku said happily. Katsuki smiled as he walked up to the boy standing on the other side of his room. Izuku blushed as he had no idea what Katsuki was about to do. The blonde pushed the green-haired boy against the glass door to his balcony and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for a passionate make out. As Katsuki smirked into the last few kisses, they pulled away and just looked at each other's eyes for a quick moment.

"You ready for second year?" Izuku asked.

"You ready for me to beat you at everything for the second year in a row?" Katsuki smirked.

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