Chapter 18

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~ Izuku's POV ~

I woke up with a head-splitting migraine. God, what time is it? I noticed that it was almost seven in the morning. What- happened last night? I remember some things, like laughing with the boys and- god that beer was gross. I sat up and held my head, wincing at the pain from the sudden movement. I looked over to my right to see my beautiful blonde boyfriend asleep on a bean bag chair, I guess he grabbed his and brought it in here but why didn't he just sleep in the bed with me? I decided to wait to ask him until he woke up, but before I did anything else I desperately needed water. I looked around before I noticed the water bottle behind me on my bed frame. I decided to think that Katsuki brought it, since that was the only logical answer. Right as I touched the bottle, I got a quick flash of a burning chill to my wrist, almost like muscle memory but just on my skin. What the hell? I guess I winced pretty loudly because Katsuki jolted and woke up pretty quickly...

~ Third Person POV ~

    "I-Izuku! Are you okay?" Katsuki whispered frantically.

    "Y-Yea yea I'm- it was weird just now, my wrist felt like it was- frozen in ice... it- hurt- but that's all..." Izuku stuttered. Katsuki sat up and grabbed his boy's wrist gently.

    "I think I know why, Shoto had to ice you to the bed last night..."

    "What why?!"

    "You were... really drunk... you thought he was me and... you- kissed him..." Katsuki grumbled out softly. "You wouldn't stop grabbing at him...."

    "Wh-What?" Izuku's voice was quivering, he couldn't believe he would betray his love like that.

    "Don't overthink please, it's okay. I love you, and I know it was nothing." Katsuki said softly as he gently put a hand to Izuku's cheek, giving him a soft forgiving smile, making Izuku tear up. Izuku went to grab Katsuki for a hug but the blonde flinched back.

    "Wh- What was that... You've never flinched like that before... What else happened last night?"

    "I- uh... You kissed me, a lot. We kept kissing, but I kept insisting we go to sleep. You needed to sleep off the alcohol, but you wouldn't listen... You- started- going a bit far and I had to make you stop... You almost- tou-ched... I had to pin you to the bed to stop you..."

Izuku gasped. He couldn't believe the words he was hearing. It was so hard to hear Katsuki stutter the way he did... What did I do? Tears started forming in his eyes as he looked down at his lap. Katsuki went to hold his hand but Izuku pulled away.

    "How-" Izuku sniffled, "How can you forgive me after that?"

    "Izuku it's okay, it wasn't you. It was the alcohol, I should've never suggested that you try a drink, I'm so sorry." Katsuki tried to grab Izuku's hand again, the greenette moving his hand further. Katsuki gritted his teeth and forcefully grabbed his hand anyway, squeezing it tightly as he brought it to his lips.


    "Please, forgive yourself... I love you I will always love you... I forgive you with no hesitation... because I know who you are Izuku. I know who we are. Look, I was into it, alright? I was fucking into it. Of course I would go that far with you, that wasn't the problem. I just didn't want to do it while you were fucking drunk..." Hearing Katsuki's words made Izuku's eyes gloss over.

    "Woah what are you saying?"

    "CAN YOU JUST SAY 'I LOVE YOU TOO' DAMMIT!" Katsuki yelled.

    "OKAY OKAY I LOVE YOU TOO NOW SHHHH!" Izuku whispered loudly as he covered Katsuki's mouth in a panic.

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