Chapter 3

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It was nearing the afternoon when the boys were nearly finished packing Izuku's things. Katsuki went to grab his desk clutter when he saw their pictures from their first date framed behind his laptop, the photo strips taped to the backboard of his desk. Katsuki smiled softly at this, at how much his boyfriend loved him. He picked up the framed photo of Izuku hugging Katsuki and smiled at it for a moment before putting it in the desk clutter box.

    "Can you believe where we are now?" Izuku said, staring down at the box in front of him.

    "Hah?" Katsuki let out in confusion.

    "I mean like, together? We went from being childhood friends to dating. Who knew, right?" Izuku chuckled.

    "I wouldn't exactly call us childhood friends, more like the kid who bullied one constantly and the kid who wouldn't stop following the other." Katsuki grumbled. Izuku got a bit sad at that remark as he started taping up the box in front of him. Katsuki noticed and started to feel really bad for what he said. "Izuku-"

    "It's okay, you're right..."

    "Ugh no I'm not, I'm just- I still have trouble forgiving myself for how I used to treat you. I'm glad you never stopped following me, okay?" Katsuki said annoyed at himself, but also trying to make his boy feel better. Izuku smiled a bit as he finished taping his box.

    "I knew I had to keep following you... You were gonna be a great hero one day, I had to see it..." Izuku said.

    "I know, you've told me. But are you sure that's it?" Katsuki said a bit teasingly.

    "Maybe there was more to it..." Izuku said embarrassingly.

    "What? Like having a little crush on me?" Katsuki teased as he grabbed Izuku from behind and picked him up off the ground, bending his own back backwards a bit and holding him like that for a minute. Izuku started laughing cutely.

    "Kacchan! I don't know put me down!" Izuku giggled as he hit Katsuki's arms with his fists in protest.

    "Not until you admit it!" Katsuki teased.

    "OKAY FINE MAYBE JUST PUT ME DOWN!" Izuku yelled as he squirmed around in Katsuki's grip. Katsuki laughed and slammed him down onto his bed. Izuku laid there laughing for a moment when Katsuki suddenly got on top of him on the bed and smiled. He leaned in to kiss the green haired boy when suddenly he felt something (Blackwhip) wrap around his wrists and push him up. He was twisted around to be under Izuku, wrists pinned down. Both of them panted for a second before Izuku smirked at the boy under him.

    "Remember this?" Izuku teased. Katsuki was a little annoyed that he had to submit to Izuku, so he let out a 'Tch' and looked away from Izuku in protest. Izuku let go of one of his wrists and grabbed his chin, moving the blonde's face towards his own. He leaned down and gave Katsuki a tender and loving kiss, relaxing his muscles a bit over the boy. Katsuki tugged Izuku down to lay on top of him as they kept kissing softly, the former wrapping his arms around Izuku's back. Izuku put one of his hands on Katsuki's cheek before turning them both to the side to continue making out. Izuku was usually very gentle and soft when making out with Katsuki, as he wasn't really a very ~horny~ person. Just in love. Katsuki, however, directed their movements every time with his body. They've only made out like this one other time, the time they slept together in Katsuki's dorm before the end of first year, and they are still taking things slow. Katsuki pressed his body against Izuku's, the latter just allowing him. He moved his hands down Izuku's side, going to his lower back and lifting his shirt a bit. Izuku stopped him and grabbed his wrist, pulling away from Katsuki.

    "Katsuki, we have to finish packing." Izuku said with his eyes barely open.

    "UGH why'd you have to ruin it." Katsuki growled. Izuku chuckled as he sat up and slid off the end of his bed. Katsuki laid there for a minute just staring at the ceiling, thinking about going further with Izuku one day.

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