Chapter 16

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Three knocks and Katsuki had the door flying open for his Izuku, holding his arms out for his boyfriend to jump into. They hugged tightly before closing the door to hang out. Izuku asked if they should review some of their ultimate team moves and revise any ideas, but Katsuki just wanted quality time and more. The blonde laid down on his bed and patted the spot next to him to invite the greenette to crawl in next to him. He did, and he laid on Katsuki's shoulder with an arm wrapped around him. They stared at the ceiling as they talked and talked, the blonde making soothing circles on Izuku's back with his finger. Eventually, Izuku fell asleep on his boyfriend. Katsuki thought it was probably one of the cutest things he'd ever seen with Izuku. He wasn't tired enough to sleep with him, so he took out his phone and started watching videos on the internet.

After about an hour of videos, he got a text from Kaminari.

Sparky: Yo Bakugo, I have beer. Come to my room

Katsuki's heart jumped. He wasn't usually reckless, but he was getting bored with being as good as he was and wanted to try something reckless. He thought about it a tiny bit before Izuku's phone also buzzed on the bed frame shelf above their heads. He grabbed it to see a similar text from the same blonde.

Kaminari: Midoriya! Come to my room when you're done studying.

Katsuki raised his eyebrow. Kaminari inviting Izuku was a little odd, although they did tend to hang out together whenever the wonder duo couldn't, and they were getting pretty close by being neighbors. It started to make sense the more he thought about it. But he couldn't seriously think Izuku would actually drink beer, could he? Well, Katsuki decided to wake up his sleeping boyfriend.

    "Mmmm, Katsuki? What time is it?" Groaned a tired Izuku as he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

    "It's only about 5:30..."

    "WHA- AM?"

    "No you idiot, PM. And I have a proposal for you."

    "Wh- What is it?"

    "Whaddya say we go do something stupid?" Katsuki smirked as he showed Izuku the texts on both of their phones.

    "Huh? Beer? But you don't like to do stuff like that?" Izuku tilted his head sleepily.

    "I know, but what if we just do it tonight? It could be fun to do something reckless like this when you know damn well you like to follow rules and we both have good morals..." Izuku raised his eyebrow at 'good morals' before Katsuki hissed back, "You know what I mean..."

    "Um... I'm not sure this is a good idea... I'm not really interested in drinking..."

    "Izuku, let loose a little okay? You are the physical embodiment of good, and you may be the new future symbol of peace, but you deserve to have a little fun from time to time... Think of it as- trying new things. And I bet you Eijiro will be there so he can look after you when I have to act all tough guy!"

    "I mean... I guess you have a point..."

    "I'm such a bad influence." Katsuki smirked teasingly.

    "You really are..."

Izuku decided to go ahead of Katsuki to his own room to make it seem like he was coming in later and to make it less suspicious. Katsuki didn't wait much after Izuku left, going into the elevator to the fourth floor and making his way to Kaminari's room.

    "HEY GUYS, BAKUGO ACTUALLY CAME!" Kaminari yelled excitedly as he turned to Eijiro, Shinso, Sero, and surprisingly- Shoto.

    "What a group..." Katsuki growled as he nonchalantly walked into the party.

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