Chapter 8

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Izuku didn't even text Katsuki back as he bolted out of his room and ran to the stairs. Kaminari heard the door fly open and peaked out of his room to see no one, only Izuku's door open again. He sighed and left his door open to close Izuku's and hobble back to his room, not thinking anything of it at first.

As soon as Izuku reached Katsuki's room, he didn't even bother knocking before he tried opening the door himself. It was locked. He stood there for a moment before speaking up.

    "Kacchan...?" Izuku said softly through the door. Katsuki was still mad that Izuku had been practically ignoring him all day, just because of disappointment from the seating? He didn't think it was practical, so he gritted his teeth and didn't answer him. "Katsuki please open the door, I miss you." Katsuki's heart jolted when he heard Izuku's words. How the hell does this damn nerd have this kind of effect on me? Unfair. He got out of bed and opened his door gently, not making eye contact with his boy at first. Izuku saw how sad Katsuki looked and tears started forming in his eyes as he immediately hugged him, Katsuki not returning the hug yet.

    "What do you want, nerd?" Katsuki asked softly but clearly hurt by something.

    "Please Katsuki I'm sorry... I love you too..." Izuku said with a shaky voice. Katsuki's eyes widened as he finally hugged Izuku back and rested his head against Izuku's.

    "What's been with you today?" Katsuki whispered near Izuku's ear.

    "I'm sorry I don't know, I've just been scared that with our schedules this year that we'd... you'd... maybe..." Izuku said as the tears fell down his cheeks.

    "Izuku... I'm not going anywhere... Stop thinking about a future that doesn't fucking exist yet. You'll worry about things you can't control... and it'll wreck you, I know you..." Katsuki said, squeezing Izuku into his neck to comfort him. Izuku just melted into Katsuki and cried harder, making the blonde tear up just at the empathy he was feeling for his boy. Not initially realizing that his door was still open, Katsuki heard the elevator ding as he pulled Izuku into his room and closed his door quickly. He gently pushed Izuku against his door and grabbed his cheek, demanding a tender but passionate kiss from the boy. Izuku's tears eventually stopped falling as they made out for what seemed like forever.

    "I'm sorry Kacchan!" Izuku said sniffling.

    "You're okay, but it's late you should go back to your room to sleep." Katsuki said, moving the hair out of Izuku's face.

    "Yea okay." Izuku said softly.

    "Oh and don't fucking ignore me okay?" Katsuki said before turning around and letting him leave.

    "Yea... okay..." Izuku said as he smiled to show he understood, but didn't leave the room. Katsuki, not hearing his door open, turned back around to see Izuku not leaving.

    "Izuku?" Katsuki said, tilting his head.

    "Katsuki... can I sleep here tonight?" Izuku asked softly, looking down to the right, nervous that Katsuki would say no. The blonde fake sighed and went into his dresser, pulled out a soft plain shirt and threw it at Izuku.

    "Just don't snore okay?" Katsuki asked without a smile, secretly ecstatic that Izuku asked to sleep with him.

    "You're the one that snores Kacchan!" Izuku whined before he giggled and took his clothes off. Katsuki blushed hard as he turned around quickly from an Izuku only in boxers. "W-Why'd you turn around?"

    "...Because if I didn't... I wouldn't be able to keep my fucking hands off you, idiot..." Katsuki groaned, clenching his fists at the sexy thought of Izuku's current state.

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