Chapter 25

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Izuku turned the next right corner and continued sprinting forward, trying to keep track mentally of every turn he's taken in the maze. He wanted to make the most distance forward quickly. Eventually, he took a sharp left and it was a dead end. Shit, how long have I been running without any forks? He used 20% of OFA to sprint all the way back to the last fork in his path so he could take the opposite route.

Meanwhile, Katsuki was finally on the ground running. He took a left and bumped into none other than Awase from Class B.

    "Hey, it's Bakugo!" Awase yelled devilishly as he didn't take any time to react, jumped over Katsuki in the air and landed behind him, then pushed him to the wall and welding him to it. "This is for beating Class B last year in the training matches." He said as he winked and turned around, running back the way he came.

    "YOU BASTARD!" Katsuki yelled as he let out explosions from his hands, trying to squirm out of the welding. It was no use, he was royally stuck. However, Izuku heard the explosions nearby. That's Katsuki, he must be close. He decided to run towards the explosions, thinking about getting behind Katsuki so that he could be second. Soon enough, he saw Awase in front of him on the way. Before he was able to use his welding, Izuku used 20% of OFA and sprinted at him. He dialed it down to 8% (because he didn't have his protection gear for his legs and feet) and kicked Awase's arm, cracking the bone and making him fall to the ground in pain.

    "Stay on the ground." Izuku said in a pissed tone as he ran by him. He turned to the left and soon enough, he saw Katsuki welded to the wall, wriggling and struggling to get off.

    "Izuku?!" Katsuki yelled with shocked eyes as his boyfriend ran at him at full speed, picking his leg up to kick him. Katsuki flinched as he had no chance for defense, he thought he was screwed. However, Izuku didn't kick his boyfriend, like that at least. He went for the bit of concrete his right wrist was welded to first, breaking it with his kick.

    "Can you manage getting out of that on your own or do you need help?" Izuku asked with determination, clearly in a rush.

    "My explosions don't do shit when I can't aim my wrists at the wall..." Katsuki stated, clearly not asking for help though. Izuku ran backwards to the farthest wall, ran forward with 8% of OFA and kicked his other wrist, breaking the other bit of concrete connected to his wrist. Katsuki grabbed and rubbed his wrists gently.

    "Katsuki hurry ahead, the exit isn't far, I know it! Take a right up ahead!"

    "What about you?! Aren't you trying to win?" Katsuki yelled in a panic.

    "YES! NOW GO!" Izuku yelled with green lightning in his eyes, waiting for Katsuki to run ahead.

Katsuki took the right Izuku told him to take and bumped into Awase on the ground. He let out an explosion to his back and jumped over him.

    "This is for sticking me to that stupid wall!" Katsuki grinned as he ran away ahead of him.

    "Fuck your stupid boyfriend!" Awase said under his breath with a smile to the ground, genuinely impressed at their growth since the training battles.

Izuku ran past Awase coughing, not saying anything. Katsuki turned a corner and saw a bright white light coming from a long tunnel. That's gotta be the exit! He sprinted down the tunnel and looked behind him, seeing Izuku following with a gentle sprint.

    "SEE THIS, IZUKU? YOU'RE STILL WAY BEHIND ME!" Katsuki laughed with a big smile.

    "Yea, Kacchan, I am behind you! Because I want to be!" Izuku yelled with a big devilish smile, confusing Katsuki. He turned around and he was out of the maze, confetti blasting as he slowed his run.

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