Chapter 31 🍋

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    "You know I really love you, Kacchan..." Izuku said softly after slowly pulling away from kissing. "I think I always have. No matter what happened, no matter what you said to me, I couldn't leave you behind. I didn't want to."

    "And god I'm so glad you didn't or else we wouldn't be here together right now, like this." Kastuki replied as he snuggled his face into Izuku's neck like the silly bottom he isn't.

    "You think the world wouldn't find a way to bring us together anyway?" Izuku sank just a bit.

    "Well it's not for us to know. I mean how would I know a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question? Remember earlier in the year, don't worry about that stuff, Izuku. Just be present in the moment."

    "Yeah you're right. I just can't live without you... My Kacchan..."

    "Mmmm say that again..." Katsuki sighed with happiness into Izuku's neck.

    "My Kacchan?" Izuku giggled.

    "My bunny." Katsuki teased back.

Katsuki lifted his face out of Izuku's neck and looked up at his boyfriend, then raised an eyebrow in confusion and sat up a bit.

    "What's wrong?" Izuku asked confused.

Katsuki immediately got up and straddled Izuku, gently but firmly holding his hand on Izuku's neck and grabbing his bangs with his other hand and pulling them back slightly. Izuku exhaled loudly as the blonde pulled his head back with his bangs.

    "Who's the real bottom here?" Katsuki smirked as he licked his canines seductively. Seeing Izuku in this sight really turned him on and the greenette could feel it.

    "Funny, I would've said 'you' a second ago. You wanna go back to snuggling in my neck?" Izuku teased back like a brat, smirking back at his boyfriend while slightly biting his inner bottom lip.

    "You might wanna shut up, little bunny." Katsuki growled as he barely grinded his hips against Izuku's, tightening his grip just a tad on his neck. Izuku exhaled loudly again as he felt his boyfriend's hardened member through his boxers grind onto his own.

    "Is that all you got, Katsuki?" Izuku was starting to get very bratty, but very confident. Being that his hands were free, he got a firm hold on both sides of Katsuki's waist and tapped into a bit of OFA to increase his strength enough to push the blonde up and twist them both, switching positions. Katsuki lost his grip on Izuku's hair and neck in the midst of the switch, laying his arms out on the futon in shock. In a split second, Izuku moved his right hand to Katsuki's neck and his left hand holding down his boyfriend's right wrist.

    "Izuku, you fuck!" Katsuki growled with a smile.

    "You don't feel like you're protesting, do you wanna stay under me?" Izuku smirked.

    "SHUT UP! I'm the top here!" Katsuki growled. As he was about to show some resistance, Izuku tightened his grip on his boyfriend's neck and wrist. Katsuki used his free hand to hold the hand that was around his neck, but not tightly.

    "Why can't we take turns?" Izuku smirked as he leaned down to kiss his boyfriend, feeling the blonde completely melt into his lips. He started moving to his neck, and he remembered where the sweet spot was. He bit down immediately, listening to Katsuki hiss but not tense up. In fact, he felt a small pulse from below the belt, and it wasn't from his own member.

    "Oh god-" Katsuki breathed out as Izuku bit harder.

    "If I remember correctly... you like pain, right Kacchan?" Izuku whispered near his ear.

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