Chapter 1

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Jungkook (15 yrs old)

A bunny-looking boy is on the way to school

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A bunny-looking boy is on the way to school.
He is really happy to see his two best friends, Kim Yugyeom and Kim Mingyu, after the summer vacation.

Even though he is introverted and sensitive,his friends are rather extrovert and help him come out of his shell and have a good balance in their friendship.

Out of the three,Jungkook and Mingyu were still single, and Yugy has been in a relationship for the past year.

Now when the said boy reached school,rather than seeing his smily friends,there stood Yugy crying his heart out in front of the school gate.

"Kookie,Yuna, break up with Yugy."
Jungkook was in a state of shock,Why not?
Yugy and Yoona were like the ideal couple in school.

Mingyu started explaining everything that happened.

Jungkook came to know that Yoona never loved Yugy; rather, she was with him because Yugy was handsome and popular, now that she had a new popular guy, she dumped his best friend.
The poor boy,Yugy, really loved the girl.

Both boys started to comfort their best friend.At the same time, little Kookie was already in his own bunny land, debating himself.

Jungkook's pov

Yugy and Yoona were like the most ideal couple in our school.Even though I'm an introvert,I still envied their relationship and even dreamed of having one like theirs.

But now,no,never,I'm going to date a girl.
What if the girl, just like Yuna, pretends to love me and breaks my heart later.

Little Kookie already judged the whole gender (female) just because of a single girl,but who's gonna tell him his thoughts are really wrong?
Like his family says, their bunny really has a dumb brain.


A few days later

Jungkook and his friends were in the cafeteria they heard whispers and loud gasps,coming from other students.
That's when they saw the school queen, Park Jenny,on her knees with a rose flower in front of Jungkook.

Everyone was hooting for him to say "Yes".
Jungkook was literally having a mental breakdown on his own after getting all the attention; he always hated being the centre of attention.
And now everyone is forcing him to say "Yes".That's it.....he already knows what he's going to do.

Everyone was anticipated hearing a loud "Yes" from the boy.
Why?.... Because the queen itself is proposing someone,since everyone is behind her.

Their anticipation came to an end when everyone heard a loud " No".
And the said boy ran away from there,followed by his best friends.


If you think he only just rejected a girl, you are absolutely wrong; it was only the beginning.

After that day, he never said Yes to any girl who proposed to him.
He avoided them like the plague.

Before everything happened, he would have said Yes to the girl and given a chance to their relationship, Why not? Little Jungkook had a tiny crush on the queen; even his friends were surprised when Jungkook rejected her since they knew about Jungkook's crush.

But after seeing the heartbreak his best friend had gone through,he and his bunny brain had already decided that he would never date a girl.


Since he only hated girls,do you guys think now he will date boys ?

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