Chapter 25

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All the members were summoned to Taekook's room.

When they barged into the room, they saw Kook still lying in the same
starfish position,and a bear sitting on his stomach who was continuously sobbing...

Jin and Jimin rushed to the boy and took their baby in their arms.

While others pitifully looked at their bunny.

They never thought their boy would leave this world this soon...

Mrs.Jeon dramatically started crying while continuously holding his son while praising his younger son for the things he had never even done in his whole life.

Yoongi contemplated whether to take it as an excuse to stay at home and continue his beauty sleep.

Hobi and Yuna on the other side were trying to reach the media to give the hot news.

Mr.Jeon rushed to order the biggest and most beautiful coffin for his precious bunny.

Tae saw Mr. Jeon placing an order and immediately sprinted towards him.

Soobin was busy writing his heartfelt letter for his father on Twitter.

Other kids had already called their teachers and taken their leave...

Being the only sane person in the house,Namjoon took a jar of water and splashed it directly on Kook's face.

With a jolt, Jungkook sat up, coughing vigorously.

After calming down, he looked around, looking at everyone with his confused doe eyes.

Seeing their bunny alive, they took a long sigh.
Now they have to cancel their whole plan.How tiring...

Mrs.Jeon even cursed for wasting her precious tears.

Jungkook was confused about why everyone, even the kids, is cursing him.

When he did nothing???

Finally,Joon decided to ask.

"What happened, Kook?
You suddenly faint.
Are you not well?"

Jungkook started sweating,about thinking those images that made him lose his consciousness.

He frantically looked around the room to find his baby.

There he saw his baby, looking at him with his innocent eyes,standing near his father.

He showed his grabby hands to his baby.

Tae immediately jolted towards his Kookie,sat on his lap, and hugged him tightly.

Everyone nearly puked at the overly sweet scene happening in front of them.

By hugging his baby tightly, he looked at everyone who was impatiently waiting for his answer.

No matter what,he is never going to tell them the real reason.
He will take the truth to his death.

So he smoothly lied,saying that he was not feeling well because of work pressure.

As the most caring family....?
They told Kook to take leave and rest.

After everyone left,Jungkook decided to change his clothes.

When he came back from the bathroom after changing, he saw his baby sitting on their bed with a tear-stained face.

He felt guilty for making his baby cry, but still, it wasn't intentional,right?

He went and laid on the bed and took his baby on himself.

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