Chapter 17

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It's been a week since Tae started going to university.

And everything has been going well until now.

Bogum and Eun-woo sometimes used to come to Rose's friend group during lunch.

And Bogum always ends up flirting with Mia.

Eun-woo was always silent among them he only talked whenever it was really needed or when someone asked him anything.

And Tae followed Jungkook's advice; he never paid any attention to Eun-woo.

But Eun-woo's eyes were always on the little beauty.

Rose and Jennie saw the way Eun-woo looked at their friend.
But they just shrugged it off,thinking they must be misunderstanding.

Because Eun-woo is someone who is as popular as Bogum, with lots of fan girls and fan boys.
But he is always cold toward others. And always rejected whoever proposed him.

Till now,he has never shown interest in anyone.
So Rose and Jennie decided to leave the matter alone.

Now Tae is waiting with Rose in the parking lot for Soobin and Bogum, respectively, after their class.

That's when something got Taetae's attention.

A boy was pinning a girl on the wall in the parking lot and kissing her deeply.

For Taetae, it was his first time seeing this type of kiss.

In school,he only saw couples giving pecks to each other.
Because of teachers, being in a village,and being around judgmental people, lovers used to do their business in empty classrooms or more privately than in public.

And also, because there was no connection to TV in the village,he never saw dramas or films.

So Taetae is only exposed to simple pecks.
That's why he used to peck Jungkook,because that's the only thing he knew about what couples do.

With a shocking expression,he poked Rose's shoulder and asked...

"Rosie,why are they kissing for so looooong like they are eating each other??"

Rose wasn't able to control his laugh,but she still controlled it because she knew that her little friend is so innocent to the world,but he is a growing boy, so he needs to know this type of thing. So she decided to answer in a simple way...

"Taetae,that's the type of kiss lovers give each other."

"No,they give a short kiss."
Taetae enacted his short kiss on air.

Rose chucked and said,
"Oh baby,that is peck. A kiss is different; it's a little longer than peck."

"So that type of kiss people do after marriage??" Taetae asked like a curious boy, as he is.

Rose was confused about why he was asking about married people, but she decided to answer.

"Yes!!,That's what married people do."

At the exact same time, Soobin came,and both went back to their homes.


After dinner, Kook and Tae are sitting on the balcony.
Tae,as usual, was on Kook's lap, and Kook's hand was on Tae's waist.
Now it's their daily routine to stay there and share each other's day before sleeping.

And Jungkook loves this time with his baby.

Earlier, whenever he came back from work,he would always be welcomed by his cold and silent room.

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