Chapter 7

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Time : 9:30 pm

Third person's pov

"Taetae, someone is knocking on the door; go and check." Grandma Kim shouted from the kitchen.

The knocking on the door was getting aggressive by the second,so without any second thought, Taetae went and opened the door.

There stood six men who work for the village head, Lee Donghyun.

"Are you Kim Taehyung?"


"Taetae,who came this late?"

"Halmoni, they are people working under the village head,and they are asking for me."

"What do u all want from my grandson this late?" inquired grandma.

"We are all sent by the village head to get this boy."

"For what??",as far as i know, we haven't done anything or broken any rules."

"The Village head is summoning an urgent meeting; come soon with your grandson to know more."

They all left.What grandma and Taetae didn't notice was how they were eyeing Taetae with disgust.

Taehyung was trembling in fear.
"Halmoni, i didn't do anything,i'm scared."

Taehyung was already on the verge of breaking down.

Hearing the commotion,Jackson & Jinyoung hurriedly came to Tae's house.

Grandma explained the situation to them.

"Don't worry, we're with you no matter what happens."
"We still don't know what all this commotion is about; let's go and see."
Jinyoung stated.

All four were directed towards the meeting field.

When they reached there,they saw the whole village.

That's when the elders of the four noticed the disgusting stares of the villagers directed towards the boy.

Jackson and Jinyoung were soon to hide the little boy behind them.


The village head started talking :

"This is the first time I'm summoning a meeting because of someone's shameful act."

"By now,everyone would've already known what I'm talking about."

But seeing the clueless faces of the four people,i think they're still ignorant of the situation they are in."

"Mr. Park, show them the photos", commanded the head.

Jackson immediately went & took the photos from Mr. Park.

Jackson stood frozen after seeing the pics.

After seeing Jackson's state,the other three were having a hard time.

Jackson somehow come out of the shock and hurriedly went towards the others.

On seeing the pics, all three had the same expression as Jackson before.

Tears were running through Tae's eyes.
He stood shivering,and Jinyoung immediately side hugged the boy.

Jackson immediately supported their grandma,she's also having a hard time standing after seeing the pics.

Now what's in the pics?

Taehyung's half naked intimate pics with different boys.

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