Chapter 11

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Morning came...
Instead of waking up to his alarm, he heard someone shaking him to wake up.

Jeon Jungkook, on the way to waking up, heard...

"Kook, wake up; we have to reach Seoul and have to attend the office.
And wake your baby husband too."

"Baby who?? Husband??Which baby?? Whose husband🙄🙄???"The said boy was still in his thoughts

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"Baby who?? Husband??
Which baby?? Whose husband🙄🙄???"
The said boy was still in his thoughts.
That's when he felt a weight on him.

And the next thing...

"AHHHHHHHhhhhh,Hyungggg helpppp thief...thief..."

With a sudden jerk, he pushed the boy to his side and ran away directly to the others' room.

"Yaah, why are you even screaming right in the morning?
How can you even be active this early".

"Hyung ... hyung... someone... someone in the room, police..."
Kook,breathing heavily,managed to say.

The 2 audience members who heard all these were having a bored expression,like they had been hearing this for a long time...

With the same bored expression, Yoongi uttered...

"Just rewind your memory, Kook,and you will get your answer."

With that, Yoongi just slammed the door right in his face.

Jungkook was confused.

On the way to his room...

"Hmmm what...happened ??
fight...court...boy...marriage.. WAIT!!
Kim TaeTae.. 17????"

Just like a truck hit him with high speed,all the memories together hit him,even leading to the second part of passing out.

This time,Yoongi and Soobin weren't surprised.
They know it's just the beginning.
They can definitely hope the same scenarios or more happen in the future...
Now that they think of it,they have to be prepared for it.

Telepathically telling all these to each other (Yoongi & Soobin), they gave each other a knowing nod...

A signal that they received the other's telepathy...???


Jeon's house

All four reached their destination. Even before everyone got down, Jungkook just ran off like a jet to their mansion.

The Jeons were having breakfast.
All saw a figure like a flash of light running upstairs with the same speed, coming with a bag, running again to the car, and being gone???

Jeon's who were still processing ---who was even the person who just passed through them like a wind??

Yoongi and Soobin were shocked too, seeing Jungkook running in and out of the house like he was running a relay.

Within minutes, they saw him taking another car and going away ---maybe to the office???

All this time, both Soobin and Yoongi were trying to wake up the sleepy bear. Who wasn't even moving an inch.
Finally, Yoongi decided to pick him up like a koala.
Soobin with the boy's luggage followed them.

Both were still not prepared to face the family members,and now that their partner has also betrayed them,they thought to just go with the flow.

Now everyone's attention is on the 3.
More on the stranger who is in the arms of Yoongi.
Soobin instructed the maids to take the luggage to his Appa's room. Now all were more confused.

Since no one had breakfast,after seeing the food,both were hungry.
Both of them went to the dining table and joined others.

They acted like it was just a normal day,and they didn't even have a stranger with them.
And that whole dining area isn't just silent; everyone's attention isn't even on them.

Both of them served themselves and started eating,concentrating only on their food just their food....

That's when the boy squirmed in Yoongi's lap.
Knowing the boy must also be hungry, Yoongi started to feed the boy, and the boy started eating without even opening his eyes.

Mrs. Jeon and Jin were already whipped for the boy,who was cooing internally.

Finally, someone decided to break the tense atmosphere.

"Hyung, who is this boy?"
Jimin was more confused.

"I'm Kim Taetae", a small voice said from Yoongi's lap. They saw the cutest scene of a bear rubbing his eyes...oooh, more cutely,and looking at everyone like he was confused or lost???

Then he saw the only faces he knew and gave both Yoongi and Soobin his biggest boxy smile.

When they couldn't handle the boy's cuteness, Jin and Mrs.Jeon ran to the boy and kissed the boy's both cheeks.
Who just whined and rubbed his cheeks in Yoongi's shirt.

A sudden, comforting silence was broken when they heard Soobin running away with his bag and shouting....

"I'm off to college; I'm already late...
And he's not Kim Taetae; he's now
Jeon Taetae ..."

And Yoongi,really wanted to just smack Soobin's head.

Everyone was shocked and confused to hear that.

On the other side, the boy asked the most important question,according to him:

"I'm Jeon Taetae ??
not Kim Taetae???"
with his head tilting to his side cutely.

And Yoongi was a goner; he just wanted to wrap the boy in a blanket and cuddle him to sleep.

Mrs.Jeon : Wait, if he's Jeon, that means.....

Yoongi's inner thoughts : Finished... Everything is finished....

Mrs.Jeon : Kook has again adopted a boy! He's Kook's son??? Our new grandson??

Ohhh, now Yoongi just wants to dig a deep hole and sleep there for the rest of his life.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 (𝐓𝐊)Where stories live. Discover now