Chapter 9

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The whole day went by in the blink of an eye. Now that it's evening, the scorpions are already gone from
there,but instead the whole place is surrounded by Minho's gang members.

Minho even sent some ladies to Tae's house to makeover him by making him wear 2,3 clothes under his wedding suit to make him buff.And a pair of high-heeled shoes,for obvious reasons.
He can't take any risks at the last moment.
What if the officials come to know about the boy's real age? So in advance, he's trying to make the boy look in his 20s.

Minho threatened Taehyung that if he ever said his real age in marriage court, his people would kill his family.

Now Tae is in his room, where ladies are dolling him up.
And both hyungs and grandma were being held by the gang members.

After that, Minho forcefully dragged Tae to the courthouse.
Minho was unaffected by Tae's pleading and crying. After all, his dream is going to come true,and now nothing matters to him.

Somewhere in Daegu

        Jungkook and Suga had a business meeting in Daegu, and since it's a holiday,Soobin also tagged along with them.

"Kook,where are you taking us? I'm literally starving."

"Hyung told you I was taking you both to one of the best restaurants with the tastiest traditional dishes."

"But Appa, we've been travelling so long,it seems like the road is leading to a village."

"Yes,it's in the village."

"But Kook,if you don't even have time to eat food prepared at home,then how come you know about this restaurant,which is also in a village?"

"Hyung,you must have forgotten because it's been 7 yrs.Remember when I told you all about Jackson, Jinyoung,Halmoni and JJ's restaurant."

"Wait,wait...the people who helped you years before in getting that business deal."

"Yes, hyung,without their help,i don't know what would have happened back then.
It was the first ever international deal that led me to who I'm now.
I will always be greatful to them,and if I can, I will do anything in my power if they ever ask me for any help since they never accepted money.I really owe them..."

"Yeah, Kook,we also need to see them and taste the food too.
Today, it's really difficult to find such selfless people with a good heart."

"Yes, Appa,go fast.....let's meet them, and I'm starving."

With a small chuckle, Jungkook took the turn to his destination.
Where is his life is going to take a U-turn???😂
Let's see.....


7 yrs before

Jungkook had got his first international deal.It will be his first ever step to take his company to its goal.The CEO of the international company, Mr. John,was really obsessed with traditional culture.

Knowing this, Jungkook thought to arrange the meeting far away from the city since the CEO can also enjoy nature. Jungkook selected Daegu as the meeting place.

But he made the dumbest mistake ever; he literally ordered the traditional food right from Seoul to Daegu. He thought that even though he was giving him traditional food, he should him high-quality food.

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