Chapter 22

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The next day, when Jungkook woke up,he got tons of voice messages from his friends.

Just by opening one,he heard Yugy's screaming voice,and that's when he decided to never open other messages.


At college

It was lunch break.
When he came with Rose and Jennie in canteen,they saw one of the tables occupied with Bogum, Mia, Eun-woo, and Soobin.

Bogum gestured for them to come over there.

That's how Tae got a seat exactly opposite Eun-woo.

Tae greeted everyone, including Eun-woo.

During the whole lunch time,Eun-woo was stealing glances at the boy.
Soobin was the only one who noticed it.

Bogum was discussing their next tournament.
He invited everyone to see the game next week.

Eun-woo was expecting Tae to come.
He really wanted to personally invite the boy,but he couldn't because they weren't that close.

So he asked everyone whether they would come.

Most of them said yes or nodded their heads,but Tae was confused about whether to go or not.

By seeing the confusion in the boy's eyes, Eun-woo suddenly said to everyone that whoever comes to the tournament will be treated with ice cream.

He was looking at Tae's expression. He knew how much the boy loved sweets.
He saw a smile blooming on Tae's face, and he gradually accepted the invitation.

Eun-woo was already on cloud 9.

Eun-woo didn't realize Soobin's whole attention was on him.

That's how a big bunny came to know about Eun-woo's tricks from his own spy,his son.

Jungkook was a little furious after hearing it,but he couldn't do anything about the situation other than to warn Tae.

Next morning

When both Tae and Jungkook were getting ready for their respective college and office.

He saw his baby wearing a black V-length t-shirt that revealed his collarbones.

Just one second ago,Tae was combing his hair,but now he knew he had been kissed by his Kookie.

It was so sudden that he didn't have time to kiss him back.

But while kissing his baby,Eunwoo's thoughts came to his mind.

And for the first time,leaving his baby's lips,he started kissing his jaw and started trailing his lips to his neck.

Feeling an unknown pleasure for the first time, Tae never realized what was happening.
His eyes were closed tightly, and his hands were latched onto Kook's shirt.

Sinful moans were leaving his lips.
Kook tightly gripped Tae's waist not to let him fall or lose his baby's balance.

When the kisses reached the collarbone,his feelings took over, and he unconsciously started nibbling the skin near the collarbone.

Hearing his baby's moans, he felt encouraged.

Unknowingly, Kook bit a little harshly, and Tae hissed and pulled away from Kook.

Kook stood there with his dark,lusty hooded eyes looking at the hickey he just gave his baby; as for him, he was still in his bunny land devouring his bear.

But he came back to his senses when he heard his baby saying, more like yelling.

"Wae,Kookie bite Jeon Taetae??"

With that, he harshly bit Kook's clothed shoulder.

He screamed because the attack caught him off guard.

While rubbing his shoulder, he shockingly looked at his baby standing in front of him, who was now making a roar sound imitating exactly like a tiger cub...

While rubbing his shoulder, he shockingly looked at his baby standing in front of him, who was now making a roar sound imitating exactly like a tiger cub

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Now he knows he should never underestimate his baby.

When it's needed, his baby can definitely turn from a soft bear to a tiger as well...

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