Chapter 35

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Ignore the mistakes.

The next day, when JJK walked into the office, instead of seeing his employees being scared of him, he saw they were all giving him this pitying look.

It was so confusing.

Like, why were they suddenly looking at him with those pity or sad faces?

It was like they thought he was about to die or something.

But JJK shrugged it off and confidently strutted towards the elevator, smirking.

And why?

Well, Soobin had let him know that all the students were getting a two-week study break because exams were coming up.

So, if Tae and Eun-woo, who are the only students among the selected models, get any additional time off from college, they have to work full-time at the company to make up for the missed hours.

JJK had spent the whole night thinking about how he could dominate his little one.

The memories of their previous day were still fresh in his mind.

Even though the kiss only lasted a few minutes, he could still feel the softness and sweetness of his little one's lips.

Entering the elevator, he casually brushed his lips with his fingers like a psychopath, replaying the kissing scene.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the elevator.

"My poor, naive, innocent little one", he thought with a silly smile on his face.

He completely misunderstood why his little one had kissed him, thinking it was because the boy was naive and thought it would protect his job.

The boy might have believed that if he managed to upset the boss, he would end up getting fired. After all, he's all by himself in Seoul and has a family to take care of.

And also, he thought that the boy was already scared of him.

His eyes darkened as he realized how many others might have taken advantage of the poor boy.

His jaws clenched, and his hands turned into fists.

He couldn't bear the thought of anyone looking at his boy with lustful eyes.

Now that he's here, he's got this strong determination to make sure no one else touches the boy except for him.

He also remembers passing out after the kiss, but he blamed it on being tired from work.

Let's just leave him in his own little world.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

On the other hand, Tae was sound asleep on Namjoon's couch in his cabin.

He had a ton of assignments to do, and on top of that, exams were coming up.

The only time he could study was at night, so he was too sleepy to wake up in the morning.

But somehow, Soobin managed to wake him up and practically dragged and dropped him to the company.

And guess where he went straight to? Yup, Namjoon's cabin.

When Namjoon saw Tae's sleepy and tired face, he told the boy to sleep and informed JJK that V was there with him and that he was mentoring him.

Even though JJK doesn't really like his stepbrothers, he trusts Namjoon and Hoseok to handle things professionally.

He still has half a day to spend with his little one.

During the lunch break, Jungkook's PA let Tae know that the boss had invited him for an official lunch.

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