Chapter 37

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                   Happy "V" Day!

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                   Happy "V" Day!

Enjoy reading!


After finding out what was going on in the meeting room, Namjoon rushed to the conference room.

Once he arrived, he saw everyone looking shocked, including his little brother who was frozen, holding their little Taetae.

Somehow, Namjoon managed to cancel the meeting and told JJK to go rest in his cabin.

The ex-mafia boss walked with the bear in his arms, still lost in his thoughts.

His PA followed, worried that JJK might trip while carrying the model.

When JJK finally entered his cabin, he sat down on the couch.
Meanwhile, Taehyung was fast asleep, unaware of what he had done to his Kookie.

The PA decided to leave once he knew both his boss and the model were safe.

When JJK looked down, he noticed Taetae's chubby cheeks. Being curious, he began gently poking them and then started squishing them when he realized how soft they were.

After squishing and poking Taehyung's cheeks to his heart's content, JJK decided to finally get some sleep so that he could eventually wake up from his dream.

He leaned back on the couch with his little one in his arms and soon drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Hobi met with their new business partner and subtly hinted that Taehyung is also a Jeon.

They didn't want others to misunderstand the situation and think of their little brother as a pedophile.

During lunchtime, Hobi quietly took the sleeping Taetae from JJK's grasp, knowing that he would wake up looking for food.

After that the PA then went to wake up JJK, who frantically jumped up and almost gave the poor PA a heart attack.

He wasted no time searching every corner, calling out 'little one' repeatedly in his quest to find a certain boy.

By now, both the PA and other employees knew that their boss referred to Jeon Taehyung as the 'little one'.

The PA couldn't understand why his boss was even searching under the table for the model.

Once he was certain the boy wasn't in the room, the boss proclaimed with a victorious smile,

"I knew it was all a dream.
Silly me, who would have the audacity to sit on my lap?
Tsk, then how can that little one...
He wouldn't be able to stand before me without shaking and shivering. Even if he did reach me, he'd surely fall to his knees out of fear.
Now that I think about it, I'd love to see you on your knees, my little one..."

Internally, the PA wondered if their boss was possessed by some kind of perverted devil.

The loud monologue, creepy smile, and dreamy face were enough to send the PA running from the cabin, desperate to save what was left of his sanity.


After finishing all his work, JJK gathered all the workers in the first conference room except the models, idols, and other artists working in the company.

"I'm sure you all know why I called you here, right?"


JJK shouted loudly, making his voice echo in the whole room.

Everyone, feeling intimidated by their boss's intense demeanor, could only respond with a loud 'YES.'

They all knew someone was in trouble soon.

"So, I'm supposedly sick, huh?"

"What was all that nonsense in the media?"
JJK pretended to think for a moment.

"Oh, right! I must be on my deathbed! RIGHT?"

"I'll show whoever started this rumor that they're the ones who are going to the deathbed soon."

"So, is the person who leaked the fake rumour going to come forward willingly, or should I expose them myself?"

There was an intense silence in the room, almost as if no one dared to even breathe.

Hobi glanced around and noticed one of the employees desperately trying to hold in a sneeze.

Hobi couldn't help but laugh silently, wishing he could have laughed loudly and made everyone else laugh too.

When JJK noticed that no one was moving, he spoke up in a sly tone and said,
"Well, if you think you can escape, then you definitely can't!"

With a sinister smile, he added,
"The moment I saw the news, I instantly knew who was behind those rumors."

Now, Namjoon, Hobi, and Yuna are aware of the person whom their brother is suspicious of.

They all have doubts about that person.

JJK continued,
"Oh! I know the spy won't come out so easily. They must have the guts to go all the way, especially while working right under my nose.
So, guess what? I'm also prepared to show all of you your place.
No one gets away after messing with JJK."

With that, he took a gun from his pants pocket and started caressing it while whistling a tune, that creepy smile still on his face.

On the other hand, JJK's brothers and sister-in-law looked at their little Taetae's bunny ajusshi with pure bewilderment.

When they all saw JJK pointing the gun at them, one of the employees working in the finance department stepped forward and pleaded for his life.

It was Min Haewan.

It turns out that Min never expected his boss to be armed and dangerous.

The Jeons had their suspicions about Min from the beginning, especially after finding out that he had a connection to a rival company.

Despite hiring him, they knew they couldn't fully trust him and wanted to uncover his role as a spy for the competition.

So, they patiently waited for the right moment to catch him in the act.

Little did Min know, the Jeons had been keeping a close eye on him ever since he joined the company, using a trusted employee to spy on Min.

This employee even gained enough trust from Min for him to discuss his future plans, or so he thought.

With all the evidence the employee has gathered, it's enough to put the Jeons' rival company behind bars.

It's also a warning to not mess with the Jeons.


Meanwhile, in the Jeon mansion, the senior Jeon was going crazy.

He's been searching every corner of the mansion since morning, looking for his precious gun.

Every morning, he would dust off the non-existent dust and admire it with sparkly eyes.

But to his dismay, it's gone since he woke up today.

Senior Jeon has been walking around like a madman, even checking the freezer.

Now you know where the Bunny got his brain from?

The entire mansion is echoing with his screams.

"Seriously, who the hell took my precious gun but didn't even bother to take the bullets?"

With the bullets in his hands, senior Jeon pondered for a whole day.

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