Chapter 8

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Time was ticking.
The only sound that could be heard in the eerie silence was the sound of crickets.

Jinyoung's and Jackson's hearts were beating fast as the time went by; they felt useless at that time.

The villagers and the head were getting impatient while waiting for their answers.

"I think your silence is your answer."

"Now, being generous, I'm giving you two options :

   "Either make the boy leave the village by tonight or tomorrow morning itself, or anyone among the villagers can take the responsibility of the boy by giving a proper name to the relationship.
Whoever takes the boy's responsibility will be solely responsible for the accused boy's future actions."

  "Mr.Lee, me and Jackson are ready to take Tae's responsibility, and for the sake of relation, he's already our brother.
We can assure you of his future actions too.
Please let us take responsibility for our Tae."
With a vulnerable voice,Jinyoung tried to make the village head understand.

"No, i can't do that.We're still not sure whether your whole family is included in this shameful act or not.
So how can we trust anyone in your family?"

The 2 hyungs were crying out in despair and frustration.
No matter what, no one was ready to hear or understand them. Grandma Kim was standing there like a statue with an emotionless face, and Tae's head was still hidden in Jinyoung's arms.

The silence continued for another 5 mins.

When the village head was about to talk again,someone cut off his words...

"I am willing to take Kim Taehyung's responsibility by marrying him."

Kim's family wasn't surprised to hear the owner of the voice say that.
After all, he is the mastermind of the whole situation.

"Are you sure, Choi Minho?"

"Yes Mr.Lee, i'll take responsibility for this boy."

"So when are you going to arrange the marriage? Sooner the better."

"Since he's still a minor, i have to alter his age in papers."

"So i will prepare the marriage papers by the day tomorrow, and marriage can be done tomorrow itself,maybe by evening."

"As you heard, the accused boy's responsibility will be taken by Choi Minho; whoever wants to see the court marriage can join the court
house of our village in evening."

"After the boy reaches his legal age, we can do our traditional ceremony.
Now everyone can go; the meeting is over."

And the mastermind Minho here was silently dancing in victory...

Kim's house

The moment they reached the house, Tae ran away and locked his room.
Now he knows no one can save him.

Like always,Minho says he is really going to make him his.
He was crying his heart out and praying to all the angels to save him from this marriage.

He never even thought or dreamed about relationships or marriage until now.
He thought for all that he still had time in the future.
He was always a free-spirited boy and only dreamed of studying well and making his family proud until this time.
Now that by marrying Minho, he is sure that he will never allow him to go to Seoul or even allow to attend the university.

Everything was terrifying for Tae,and out of continuous cries and exhaustion, he finally passed out.

The other three people were trying every other way to save their boy.After using all their brains,they came to a conclusion.

Since they have the whole day tomorrow, Jackson will go to the police station in the city and file a case against them about forcing a minor to marry and blackmailing.
But they weren't sure if Minho was in contact with the police department or not, because till this date, they had  never arrested Minho for his criminal records.

They can't take a risk with their boy's life...
So at the same time Jackson will go to the police station,Jinyoung will go to the internet cafe to separate the edited pictures.
That will be proof that two pictures are combined/edited, and that the person in the picture is not their Tae; it's just his face attached to some other boy's pic.
Before the marriage, if they could give  proof, they could stop the marriage.

With two solutions, they tried to relax and went to sleep...


Next day morning

                      The moment Jackson and Jinyoung tried to leave the house, 4 people with guns who were wearing black dresses pushed them back to their house and locked the house from outside.

They don't know what literally happened now,when they urgently needed to reach the city before evening.

They tried everything to open the door but failed.
They tried to peek through the window to see what was happening outside.
There,they saw 3 jeeps with more than 10 people guarding their house.
And everyone's hand was tattooed with the name "Scorpions".

That's when they realized it wasn't  just the Minho's gangs, but one of the biggest mafias in the city Scorpions were also included.

Now they realize that a few months ago everyone heard the rumour that Minho joined the mafia,and by the time,he was already the Mafia leader's right hand.
Everyone thought it was just a rumour,but now that they think about it,they realize why all the villagers were against them and indirectly supported Minho's plan. They were scared of Scorpions.

Now Kims knows there is no way out of this situation.
Scorpions will never allow them to go outside until the marriage happens.
That's how their last ray of hope died...

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