Chapter 33

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Five days later

Jeon Mansion

Everyone in the Jeon Mansion is pampering both Soobin and Tae.

Since everyone missed them, when they learned that Jungkook needed to go to Japan for three days,they immediately called them.

And they also prepared a whole feast to celebrate Tae's victory in winning the drawing competition, whose results were announced last day.

Mr.Jeon and Namjoon even had a mental breakdown after knowing their Taetae is V.

They both really admired V's paintings from the start.

Everyone knew about V because of Namjoon and Mr.Jeon,but they were even more shocked knowing that those mesmerizing paintings were done by a teenager when they thought V was maybe some mature man or woman.

Oh, how wrong they were.

Namjoon showed his artroom to Tae, where he showcased his favourite paintings of famous painters as well as the souvenirs.

Tae even teared up seeing the first and earlier paintings in there.
He never thought he would ever see his first painting.

After having the feast,Taetae is showered with ice cream and chocolates.

Everyone was worried about Tae when they learned from Soobin how much Tae missed Jungkook.

Now they at least felt relieved to see the smile on Tae's face after receiving his sweet treats.

They all wish that Tae would pass the final stage of the audition, which will be announced in two days.

If Tae couldn't make it, they needed to proceed with their plan B,which is much more complicated.

But they trust their baby; they know their Taetae will make it through no matter what.


                  On the other side
               somewhere in Japan

On call

JJK : So what's his real name?

?    : Jeon Taehyung,sir.

JJK : Age?

  : He is soon to be eighteen,sir.

JJK : So he is in high school?

?   : No Sir,he is in his first year of college.

JJK : How?

?   : Hmm,because he is smart?

JJK was gritting his teeth.
Why can't his informant say everything together?
Still,he decided to be patient.

JJK : His family?

  : He has a grandma and two elder brothers who are staying in Daegu.

JJK : So where does he stay here in Seoul?

: He came to Seoul to pursue his studies and stay in the college dorm.

JJK : Relationship status?

If the boy is in a relationship, he knows how to erase them,but he is still praying the boy is single because he doesn't want to go back to his old self.

?   : He is single,sir.

JJK sighed in relief.

JJK : Okay,anything more?

?  : Sir few days ago,he auditioned for a model for a company.

If the boy is selected, he needs to talk with that certain company,he thought.

JJK : Which company?

?  : Your company,sir.

JJK : You idiot,why can't you say that earlier?

Jungkook was tightly holding his fist; if his informant was near him,he must have known the taste of his fist by now.
Still, JJK smirked.
It feels like destiny wants them together.
Now his job is easier; he just needs to play well,and that's it.

? : Sir?

JJK : Yes,you want to say something more?

He was getting more and more impatient as time went by.

The other person was just testing his patience...

?  : Hmm,s-ir it's --

JJK : Just say it, dammit!

? : Sir,he is your son's best friend and also his dorm mate.

In one breath, he managed to inform and cut the call before his boss sue him through the phone.

On the other hand, the informant who is surrounded by the Jeons, gave an assuring smile and thumps up to the person for going with their plan.

They are Jeons; they needed to be extra...


The next day, they came to know that the selecting team had already selected three models.

And Tae wasn't among those three.

But they were sure that Tae would definitely be selected.

And it happened that night itself. Namjoon, being the Co-Ceo of the company, got the last two selected candidates list, and of course Tae was one of them.

Everyone congratulated Tae, and someone who was more happy to know that Tae was selected was none other than JJK.

He smirked, looking at the list sent by the company...

"Now it's time for the play!"
With that, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the midnight breeze touching his body while enjoying the calmness of the night on the hotel's balcony.


Jeon Entertainments

Tae and Min-jae, the last two selected models, were guided towards the meeting room, where they would be introduced to other models and team members.

Taetae was a little nervous, but after talking with Min-jae, he easily forgot all his nervousness and became all bubbly and talkative.

And Jungkook was still in Japan, so Namjoon was the one who decided to introduce them.

Both Tae and Min-jae took the seat.
There were a lot of people in the

Namjoon gave an assuring smile to Tae, and without anyone noticing, he patted Taetae's head,who gave his big smile to his Joonie hyungie.

Namjoon : Guys,as you know, we have selected five new models for our new project.
You all were introduced to our three models yesterday, and now these two guys are joining our team.
Everyone please welcome them...

Everyone started applauding...

Namjoon : So this is Jeon Taehyung and Kim Min-jae.
Taehyung and Min-jae,please meet your colleagues.
Byun Baek-hyun,
Kim Ji-soo and ---

Before Namjoon could introduce the other model, he heard Taetae mumbling with his wide puppy eyes
which was loud enough for Namjoon to hear.

                "Eun-woo hyung?"

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