Chapter 18

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It's the weekend,and everyone is at Jeon Mansion.

Everyone is doing their own thing in the morning.

But in one room,early in the morning, someone is devouring their husband.

Tae is lying on the bed, and Jungkook is hovering over him,supporting his weight on his elbow so he doesn't crush his baby.

"Mmmhh k-oo-kie mmhm",Tae moaned louder when Kook's hand touched his bare waist, but soon it was soon silenced by his Kookie's lips...

Yeah, nowadays, Taetae sometimes calls his bunny ajusshi Kookie...
And Jungkook loves it.

After five good minutes, Jungkook pulled away from his baby's lips.

Tae was still panting and taking deep breaths.

Jungkook slowly laid his entire weight on his baby and rested his face on his baby's chest,which was still rising and falling.

Jungkook could hear Tae's fast heartbeat,just as fast as his own.

It made Kook smile, knowing they both felt the same.

He slowly raised his face. He saw his baby's whole face was now red, and his eyes were still tightly closed.

Jungkook raised his body a little higher to face his baby and slowly kissed his eyes.
By feeling the soothing touches, Taetae opened his eyes.

And Jungkook again lost his sense in those eyes.
He kept looking into Tae's eyes.

Seeing the intense stare, Taetae felt shy and immediately looked down and started playing with Kookie's t-shirt.

Jungkook knew he needed to stop it now; otherwise, he would lose control.

And he doesn't want to scare his baby so soon...

So he decided to back off for now.

After taking a shower, both decided to go downstairs to have breakfast with everyone.


Weekends are the best for the Jeons, just like any other normal family. It's the only time when everyone can hang out together.

After breakfast, the kids, including Tae and Soobin, decided to play badminton in their garden.

Meanwhile, the adults had their own chat about life and politics.

Another group got busy preparing a big lunch feast. Lunch was filled with gossip and laughter.

After that, they all planned to go out for dinner and have a movie night in their living room.

Now, they're all getting ready for the movie night. They laid out lots of blankets and pillows on the floor and couches.

The kids, except Tae, sat on the right side of the floor, while the elder Jeons occupied the couch.

The other couples found their spots on either the couch or the floor.

When Tae tried to sneak into the kids' section, Kook noticed and dragged him to one of the couches, covering them both with a blanket for extra comfort.

He totally ignored Tae's complaints about staying with their friends and ended up bribing his little one with chocolate just to keep him by his side.

Finally, the movie started and after a lot of argument, they settled on a romantic thriller.

An hour into the movie, there was this romantic scene where the hero was getting all kissy with the heroine, starting from sweet pecks and gradually moving to deep kisses.

All the older folks felt a bit awkward seeing that scene in front of their kids, but guess what? The little ones were totally glued to the screen.

That's when the older folks realized that even their most innocent baby was watching it all. Jimin quickly jumped from their couch to Tae and Jungkook's, trying to protect the boy's precious eyes.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for Jimin to get there, it felt like they were part of some dramatic show.

And even the innocent little bear couldn't take his eyes off the screen.

Meanwhile, the bunny owner, completely unaware of his surroundings, was totally focused on his bear's face, who was casually caressing the other's waist.

And Jimin suddenly stopped in his tracks. The other members and the kid all had their eyes wide open, staring at the bunny, after hearing what their bear had said.

His eyes were filled with excitement because it was his first time witnessing a kissing scene on TV...

(Tae used to watch K-dramas with his hyungs whenever they went to the city.
But his hyungs always made sure to shield him from watching intimate scenes. So the most intimate scene he had ever seen was just a simple peck.)

"Whoa, they are kissing just like Bunny ajusshi kisses me!!!" Tae exclaimed.

Jungkook immediately felt all eyes on him when Taetae uttered those words.
As he looked around, he noticed the disapproving gaze of the older members and the surprised looks from the younger ones.

Realizing the reason behind their intense stares, he glanced at everyone with a mixture of fear and astonishment.

Realizing the reason behind their intense stares, he glanced at everyone with a mixture of fear and astonishment

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Even before he could make a getaway, he heard...


He saw Jin, Jimin, Yoongi, and
Mrs.Jeon standing there with pans and vases.

He knew he really messed up.

Jungkook calmly got up from the couch, bent down, and kissed his baby's forehead, who was still glued to the movie, like he hadn't just betrayed his husband.

Everyone was focused on the bunny's actions, except Tae.

And then, after glancing at everyone, he took a deep breath, let out a big sigh, and then...

Bunny screamed and started sprinting around the living room to save his precious bunny life from his own newfound foe, his family members.

Bunny screamed and started sprinting around the living room to save his precious bunny life from his own newfound foe, his family members

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