Chapter 34

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If we say Tae wasn't shocked,that would be an understatement.

He was totally taken aback,like seriously surprised.

And get to this,when he told his friends about the audition,Eun-woo
never mentioned that he was in it too.

Like he knew Tae would be shocked to see him,but they played it cool and greeted each other professionally.

On the other hand,Namjoon,being the smart guy he is,figured out that Tae and Eun-woo must know each other because they were the only college students there, plus they are from the same university.

So without wasting any time, Namjoon told the staff to get the new models acquainted and introduce them to everyone.

After all the formalities, the new models hit the cafeteria, except for Eun-woo.

Eun-woo went to the balcony,closed his eyes,and had the biggest smile on his face. He took a deep breath and felt super satisfied.

He always wanted to be a model,but
he put his own dreams on hold because of his late father's wishes.

Like,if he really wanted to,he totally
could have pursued his dream. But because no one really encouraged him,his dream started disappearing.

So,he made the decision to study business and eventually take over his father's business,just like his father wanted.

Even though he might say that he came all the way for Tae and to find his Kookie,deep down,he knows that Tae is just an excuse.

It's like Tae unknowingly pushed him to pursue his forgotten dream.

But he knows he will never admit it.

JJK was heading to Seoul from Japan, and the whole situation was messing
with his head.

Turns out that the boy he was really into was actually his son's best friend,and to make it worse,the kid was even younger than his own son. It got him thinking if he should just back out and avoid any disaster,but dang it,lust took over.

He chose to ignore all the moral standards and just go after what he wanted.

He couldn't help but smirk,already picturing all the messed-up stuff he had in mind for the younger.



Tae heard Eun-woo calling him.


"I need to let you know something, Tae."

Tae remained in his position,feeling perplexed.

Eun-woo acknowledged the confusion and said,

"Hmm,I know you must be shocked to see me here. I just wanted to surprise everyone,that's why I never told anyone about it."

Tae was curious why Eun-woo kept it a secret,but he couldn't care less at the moment because all he could think about was getting ice cream.

Namjoon promised to treat him
ice cream for lunch,and Tae had been eagerly waiting for his lunch break since morning.

He couldn't even focus on what Eun-woo was saying.

His hunger took over, so without even saying anything,he dashed off to Namjoon's office, leaving a bewildered Eun-woo behind.


The next morning.

The newbie models were given their training schedules.

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