Chapter 36

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Guys,I stumbled upon this comment claiming that Tae doesn't have any feelings for Jungkook, while Jungkook is head over heels for Tae. And it's kinda pity to see Jungkook in that situation.

But here's the thing, the story clearly states that it's a slow burn. I don't get why people dive right into a story without checking the tags and warnings first.

Oh, and this comment also called the story pretty boring. If it's so boring, why on earth did she read all the way through 35 chapters?! 🤷‍♀️

Anyways, I just wanted to give you a heads up. If you're getting bored with the story, feel free to drop it. No harm in that.


Finally, the morning has arrived.
JJK had a terrible night, unable to sleep because of the fake news spreading like wildfire in the media.

It isn't the first rumor he has heard about himself, but it is the first time his health has been targeted. People are even spreading rumors about him being on his deathbed.

Good thing the news doesn't really affect his personal life that badly, since he only has Jimin and Soobin as his loved ones.
He has already talked to both Soobin and Jimin and told them he's alright.

However, he is certain that it will have a negative impact on his professional life. With so many rivals eagerly waiting for him to fail, he can't afford a sudden blow to his business.

He took immediate action by issuing statements about his health and promising to take legal steps against those spreading the rumors.

Despite his efforts, he can't get the thoughts out of his head. He knows the health issues, and rumors are connected to his passing out at the office.

He was anxiously waiting to catch the culprits and make sure none of his employees would ever dare speak ill of him again.

Finally, he made it to the office and practically skipped his way to his cabin.

With a busy schedule full of meetings, he didn't want to start his day on a sour note. So he decided to handle the issue later in the evening, and he had a strong feeling about who started the rumor.

And he maybe also wanted to see someone special and clarify that, even though he's older, he's still healthy and fit.

He instructed his PA to bring the new model, Kim Taehyung, to his cabin when he reaches the company.

However, to his disappointment, he was informed that the clothing brand partnering with the company wanted to meet the models today itself and discuss matters with the CEO and the production crew.

Normally, he would have rejected the meeting since it wasn't scheduled in advance.
However, due to the rumor, he didn't want to take any chances.
So reluctantly, he decided to attend the meeting, even though he wanted to reject it harshly since it hadn't been properly communicated beforehand.

Gritting his teeth and smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, he finally calmed down and headed for the meeting.


As soon as Tae entered the company, he was instructed to go straight to the second conference room.

The company had two conference rooms: one for a larger group of 45 to 50 people and the second one for a smaller group of 15 to 20.

Tae realized that the conference meeting had already begun and he was running a little late.

Despite being sleepy, Soobin had dropped off Tae in front of the company just like the previous day.

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