Chapter 6

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( Daegu )

JJ's Restaurant

Time : Evening

(Credits to the original owner of the pic)

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(Credits to the original owner of the pic)

Taehyung's pov

I'm looking at the people in front of me; our restaurant is almost packed, and I'm doing the billing.

Our evening is always filled with students since the restaurant is near my old school.

Whenever our restaurant is packed,i'll help hyungs with billing other than plating and decorating the dishes.

I always feel happy that we are getting more customers.
The more customers,the more money.
Then we can shift to Seoul soon.

"Hey Baby!", My thoughts were cut off when I heard that irritating voice.
There stood Minho with a disgusting smirk on his lips.

He always does that whenever i'm alone.
When I was in middle school,Minho was my senior.
And on one valentine day,he held a whole box of my fav chocolates and proposed to me.

It was my fav chocolate.
Even though I don't like him, my hands almost reached to take the chocolate box from him.

But on second thought, I didn't take it.
I scolded myself and assured myself that I would buy those chocolates on my way back home,phewww....

Because one day hyungs saw Minho following me from school and
they warned him.
They informed me that Minho is a bad boy and that I shouldn't take anything from him or from strangers.

I'm Kim Taetae. And I'm a good boy.
So I rejected him and didn't accept the chocolates.

After that day, he still followed me around.
He always looks at me from head to toe.
I don't know why, but I don't feel comfortable around him.

He also started calling me by names like baby and baby boy with a disgusted smile.

He always says that he will make me his.
Hyungs told me to ignore him and his words.
That's what I have done for the past few years.

Hyungs told me that disgusted smile of his is called a smirk.
And the way he talks is called flirting.

So I memorized the 2 news words and added them to my Taetae's dictionary.


Back to the restaurant...

"I'm not your baby".

His face was getting red.
Mmm maybe he's getting cold??

"I'll make you mine by hook or crook.
Just wait; you won't even be able to say no.Till then, enjoy your life, baby."

"Get out of here, Choi Minho", Jackson hyung shouted at him.

"Ha, don't worry,Jackson; I'm leaving now,but how long are you two going to protect him from me?"

"You know the power i've got; just wait and see how I'm going to make him mine."

Minho gave me a wink & left from there.


Third person's pov

"Taetae, don't worry; before he does anything, we will leave from here.
Till then, don't go alone anywhere, and don't talk to him or his friends".

"Yes hyung",Taehyung said with a small smile on his face.

Jackson and Jinyoung knew Minho's obsession with Tae; they always tried to warn Minho to stop disturbing the boy.

But after graduating high school, Minho joined a local gang of thugs and later became their leader.
Villagers are scared of him and his gang.

He also belongs to a rich family.
No one has the courage to go against money & power.

So no one dared speak against them, which only made Minho more egoistic.

The two hyungs are now working more and more, so they could leave the village as soon as possible.


"Minho,it's been years since you have been behind that small boy; even after becoming a gang leader,you still couldn't even get a simple boy",one of the gang members mockingly said to Minho.

"Even though I fuck around and want him,that doesn't mean I don't love him.
I want him to be with me forever, not just for one time f*ck.
All these years, I waited for him to accept me",Minho gritting his teeth uttered.

"It seems like u r gonna loose him",
one of them said it and high-fived others.

"What do you mean by that?",questioned Minho.

"You didn't hear the rumour".

"NO,Just say it, assholes."

"That boy's hyungs are planning to shift to Seoul by 4 or 5 months."
"You know,if that's true,you should do something before they move from here."

"Seoul's law is much stricter,and since he's a minor too,if they file a case against you,you can be locked up with other cases too."

If we didn't say Minho was shocked,that would be an understatement.

He was giving away all this time, thinking he had all the time in the world to make the boy his.
But now he needs to change the entire plan.

According to the law in the country, he can get arrested.
But he can do anything in the village in his favour.
All the people in the village follow the decisions of the village head rather than the laws of their own country.

A devilish smirk formed on his lips.

"I'm not going to leave my baby boy that easily.
He has to be mine.
Just wait and see how i'm going to make Tae mine.
All these people themselves will ask me to marry him".

"What's on your mind,Minho?"asked a surprised gang member.

"Just wait and see..."

He went away smoking and smiling, thinking about the plan he had in store for his baby boy...

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