Chapter 39

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Please read;it's related to the story.

I have seen some comments suggesting to stop the current plot and return to the original story.

However, those who want that should understand that it's actually what has kept the story going.

When I first started writing, I planned for the story to wrap up in 25-30 chapters with angst and leaps.
If you guys have noticed, the story has a tag of less angst. But you know, I never included a second of angst scenes till now.

Even though I initially aimed for less humor and angst, I noticed halfway through that you all were enjoying the funny elements more than expected.

It's surprising for me to read back on my previous chapters and see how I managed to inject that humor without intending to.

Originally, this story was meant to be over by now, which is why I started writing my other stories.
Nevertheless, I made the decision to switch things up to cater to you all, and I take full responsibility for that choice.

If I stuck with my original plan, there would have been more updates, and the story would've been done by now.
It was difficult for me to change the whole plot out of the blue.

That's why I couldn't keep you guys updated more often.

I've even put a hold on my other stories, including unpublishing one of my short stories, just to focus on this one since I couldn't finish it on time.

I've been writing each chapter as it comes to me, without a clue about what's coming next. So trust me, I'm just as in the dark as you guys about the upcoming chapters after a long time.

I originally never wanted to inform you all about the change in the plot or about slowing down my updates.

But now, I feel like it's my responsibility to let you know about the sudden plot change and why there was a delay in updating.

I'm also pretty curious, like the rest of you, about the upcoming chapters because, honestly, I'm not even sure what I'm going to write next.

Those asking to go back to the original plot are basically asking me to wrap up the entire story and for those who find the current plot boring, there is not much I can do about that. If you're not feeling it, feel free to stop reading, because I'm not about to abruptly end this plot.

I also apologize for ranting here...

Well, let's get back to the story...😁

Long chapter ahead.⚠️

[I might edit later.]


[Monday morning]

Like any other busy morning, people are rushing to their destined places after spending their weekends.

Everyone is in a rush to get to their destinations, some after a boring weekend, while some people are enjoying their time off.

However, the employees at Jeon Entertainments are even more rushed and anxious to reach the office before the workday begins.

JJK immediately called an emergency meeting upon finding out that one of the employees tried to leak the information of one of the famous artists of the company.

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