Chapter 5

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Third person's pov

                                               A 17-yr-old boy is now tossing and turning around the bed

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                           A 17-yr-old boy is now tossing and turning around the bed.
In the background,we can clearly hear his grandma calling for him to wake up.

Still,the boy slept without even a care in the world.

The boy is Kim Taehyung.
He lives in Daegu with his grandmother and his 2 hyungs.

He lost both of his parents in a car accident.
Since then, his grandmother has taken care of him.

In the beginning, the only source of income for the family was his grandma's cookie shop.

Taehyung is a social butterfly,so he has many friends.

But he considered his 2 hyungs to be his best friends,Jackson and Jinyoung.

They were really older than him,but they considered him their little brother.They were both cousins and  orphans.
So grandma Kim took care of them as well.

They all lived in a remote village.
Where all decisions were taken by their village head.

Many people despised the idea and the rules in the village, including Jackson,Jinyoung, & the grandma.

Still, they couldn't do anything since they lacked money and power.

The only educational institution the village had was a high school.

If the children want to join the university, they have to move to the city.

Most of the children tend to stop their education at school due to a lack of money and not having proper guidance.
Only a handful of them went to university.

The village also lacked internet services.
So if anyone wants to use the internet, they need to go to internet cafes in the city.


              5 yrs before Jackson and Jinyoung started a restaurant with their savings.

And 2 yrs ago, to support his grandma,Taehyung requested to work part time in their restaurant.

Both of his hyungs and grandma were against him since they only wanted the boy to concentrate on his studies.

Being stubborn, he made them change their decision and promised them he wouldn't lack in his studies.

His hyungs strictly told the boy not to do any other work other than decorating & plating the dishes.

During these years, the restaurant really gained profits.
And they told Grandma Kim to stop working; now they have the money to take care of their grandma.

Both of his hyungs paid their debts and even started their savings to shift to Seoul.

They all dreamed of shifting to the city and leaving the cursed village.
They wanted to start their business there and send the boy to a respected university since they couldn't attend the college.

The boy was really innocent and naive, even for his age.
No matter what, they can never send the boy to an unknown place alone.

Taehyung was a bright student,so he skipped the grade,& now,just at the age of 16, he graduated high school.
It's been 2 months he graduated; now he works full time in the restaurant until he can attend college.


Tae also found his hobby in painting. At first, it was just to let time pass.

Later, he learned about painting competitions and selling paintings.

He decided to give it a shot,in the hopes of earning money to help his hyungs.
He took the name "V" for his artistic work.

After that,he used to win many little and big competitions.
And in one competition, he got the chance to exhibit his painting in one of the famous museums in Seoul.

And someone bought the painting for a huge sum.
They also came to know about the online sale of paintings.

With the help of his hyungs,Taehyung started a website to sell his paintings under the name "V".

Since they don't have any internet connections, they all have to go to the city once a month to take orders and sell the paintings online.

It's been 2 yrs since no one knew the identity of "V", but he became a really popular artist among the art lovers in the city,which he or his hyungs don't even have any idea of.

According to their calculations, they only need to work for the next 6 months to reach their targeted goal.

After that, they can all shift to their dream city and start their new beginning.

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