Chapter 30

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I don't know whether you all are disappointed with the story or not,but..

Just trust me with my story.
I will try not to disappoint you.💜


Next day morning

After having breakfast and taking his medicine,Jungkook is taking a nap, as if he didn't just render Mr.Byun unconscious.

Well,right in the morning, Mr.Byun and Jungkook got into an argument.

Jungkook was so persistent that he ended up in a car accident-more specifically, it was a planned accident to kill him.

On the other hand, Mr.Byun stood by his words: Jungkook has been knocked out by some kid.

That's what he was informed about Jungkook's current condition by the Jeon couple.

Jungkook felt offended and said,
"How can a mere kid knock out the great JJK?"

Somehow, in the midst of trying to make the other person understand, they fell into a heated argument.

Finally,Byun decided to knock out Jungkook.

However, he never dreamed it would backfire on him.

Yup,Byun was the one who received the injection because, before he could inject Jungkook,Kook snatched it.

Now both are in dreamland.

One is peacefully sleeping, while the other has been unconscious for the past hour.

On the other hand,Mr. and Mrs.Jeon were watching everything silently.

Well, they don't want to die yet.


Time skip

Other Jeon family members have already gone to their respective places.

After hearing about Jungkook's weird behaviour,Jimin and Jin decided to take a half-day leave and visit the hospital.

Jin was the first one to enter the room. He expected a warm smile or hug from the younger because, among all of his hyungs,Jin was always his favourite hyung.

But to his dismay,when Jungkook saw Jin, he scoffed and lay sideways back facing Jin.

Jin was too shocked to even say anything.

Jimin was also stunned to see the way Jungkook was behaving with their Eomma, Appa, and Jin Hyung.

Jimin called the younger, and hearing Jimin's voice, Jungkook immediately sat up.

His eyes glinted with happiness, and a small smile adorned his lips,and he showed his grabby hands to Jimin.

Everyone stood there, surprised.

Not seeing any movement in Jimin, Mrs.Jeon pushed him forward, and he fell right into Jungkook's arms.

Jungkook hugged his hyung tightly and started asking why his Jimine hyung left him alone with these cruel people?

Jungkook started sobbing a little, and Jimin patted his back to comfort him.

On the other side, Jimin's mind was going through the past memories of him and Jungkook.

Being the younger sons of Jeons,there wasn't any day they wouldn't fight.

They even fought about who was the favourite son of the Jeons.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 (𝐓𝐊)Where stories live. Discover now