Chapter 13

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After the big revelation, everyone sat there silently for a few minutes. Definitely,they all needed time to absorb the new information.

The Jeons were searching for Yoongi and Soobin to confirm it,but when they found that the other two were missing,they knew that what they heard was the truth.

On one side, everyone was happy knowing their Kook was finally married, but on the other side, seeing the little boy devour his banana without any thought,they felt bad.
The boy is just the same age as their twin grandsons.

Sometime later, Lee and his family left the house.
Ji-yoo was really furious.
Oh,but she's so stubborn to make Kook her that we can say she will definitely come back, shameless.


Third person's pov

Now Taetae is sleepy; he looked back at Jin and told him that.

Everyone was confused about whether to bring the boy to Kook's room or to the guest room.

After contemplating for a few minutes and seeing the boy really trying to keep his eyes open,they just decided to drop the boy in Kook's room.
After all, they are married, right??

All went to bed with the same question in their minds, from kids to grandparents:

"How their younger Jeon just married someone so young out of nowhere, when they all were trying to get him married all these years. Why so suddenly?"

All decided to inquire about Jungkook in the morning itself.


Now Taetae is in Kook's room.

He saw his Bunny Ajusshi,sleeping on the bed like a starfish with his shoes on.

He took the shoes and tie from the elder.

After that, he straightaway dumped himself on the starfish and covered both of them with the blanket.



Jungkook was still stirring with his eyes closed. He took the phone and turned off the alarm.

He again wrapped his hands around the soft thing and went back to sleep.
That's when his eyes popped open.

"Wait, whenever I wake up, it is always cold,but why today does it feel so warm?? And what is this soft thing??
He was still caressing the soft thing without looking down."

Again, all the memories crashed on him.

With a sudden jolt, he leaned his head down and saw a fluffy bear sleeping on him with a big pout on his lips, and his own hands were wrapped around the boy's bare waist. That's the soft thing he's been caressing all this time.

After knowing that he should have taken off his hands, right??

But like he'd been hypnotized, he continued caressing the soft waist and occasionally left small pecks on the boy's head.

His mind was replaying everything that had happened until now.

Knowing that he's married now
which was never in his plan,he should be angry with himself,right?

When he married a boy who is way younger than him,he should feel weird,right??

But now he is questioning his own principles because he is not feeling the things he should have felt.

Rather, all he could feel was warmth and calmness, and he felt more at home too.

He is feeling like he just got his missing puzzle that can complete his whole incomplete life.

Even when they both didn't have any proper conversation,the boy had already made a soft spot in his cold heart.

He always ran away from marriage because of the fear of gold diggers and cheaters.

But he knows the boy lying on him definitely does not belong to any of the things mentioned earlier.

Grandma Kim,Jackson,and Jinyoung were the ones who raised the boy,and he very well knows they must have definitely raised the boy well.

Since the boy is still so young, his main motive is to make him continue his education,take care of him,support him, and mainly protect him.

And about his marriage and love life,
he decided to leave it to destiny.
The boy is still young; if they are meant to be together in this life,they will be...

Sighing loudly, he gave one last kiss on the boy's forehead and decided to wake him up.

After 10 minutes of continuous shaking, the boy is finally up.

Still sitting on his Bunny Ajusshi's stomach, rubbing his eyes,he gave the elder his infamous boxy smile.

"Good morning,bunny ajusshi".
With that,he leaned in and pecked Kook's lips.

And Jungkook was still looking at the boy on his stomach with a horrified expression and a red,blushing face.

No words came from the elder's lips.

"Taetae saw in the drama that married people kiss their lips and wish them good morning."

With a whining voice,the boy continued,
"Why bunny ajusshi didn't wish Taetae like that?"

"Now wish Taetae like Taetae wished bunny ajusshi."

Like a hypnotized man he is, he leaned upwards and pecked the boy's lips,and with stuttering words, he managed to utter....

"M-o-rn-i-n-g G-oo-d???"

"Huh??",by tilting his head to the side,the other sat there confused without understanding what his bunny ajusshi just said...

By looking at the cute frowning boy on his stomach, Jungkook was already a goner for the mentioned boy...

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