Three Months - Introduction

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I can't remember when I first fell in love with cars

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I can't remember when I first fell in love with cars.

Maybe it back when my father was still sober and tinkering around, dragging me from one show to the other.

Maybe it was when I first drove an Aston, at eleven home alone and not a soul to rat me out.

Maybe it wasn't something I choose, but rather something that choose me.

All I know is, touring this factory with Amelia I am in love. Hook, line and sinker. Sold.

I first met her in a club, back when I was with Daniel. Before everything went to absolute shit between us. Before her. Before the baby. But that's not what matters now, what matters is my hard work finally paying off. I'll be damned if I let some man stand in the way of my dreams.

Even if it is the only man to ever make me feel alive with just the graze of a finger on my skin.

Building my fathers brand up from all but nothing was finally repping reward. I might have to take back some of those horrible things I've thought about the drunk after all. When he died I was only fourteen. With mama sick as could be, barely hanging on I was left with no choice. I needed to step up. We needed money, income. And so I did.

I thought it would be a relief when he died. I'd thought if all the late night fits and yelling and fear could end, everything would be better. But I severely underestimated how much work that would land on my shoulders.

Teaching myself everything from scratch, I believe I was able to do it by sheer willpower alone. Mama was too sick to do it herself, and she'd taken care of me my whole life. When he passed, it became my turn to take care of her for once. We started with two cars and an empty bank account. I built a website, built a team and turned it into one of the best dealerships for otherwise impossible to get luxury cars.

When mama passed, it was all I had left. That's when we really exploded, when I had nothing to live for but work. But working to live is wearisome. Draining.

And now after over eight years running a company I didn't choose, I'm finally getting a choice.

A choice I can't say yes to quick enough.

I want to get out of London. Want to get out of the house stained with so many painful memories. Out of the business of buying, and into having a say so.

Something Amelia promises will come in time.

Would it be hard for me to travel for the formula one season with the team she asks? Hard to have a home base when you are she says as if that could be a problem. For me, it's a gift.

So with a promise of a new life, I agree to meet her in February in Monaco. Giving me three months to sell the estate, business and everything.

Five weeks passes by quicker than I could ever imagine.

Selling the business was easier than I thought. But a shit ton of paperwork indeed.

Having it gone feels like a massive weight lifted from my shoulders. A weight I'd carried for eight long years. Eight years that felt like eighty.

Cleaning out the house is a lot harder than I thought. Letting go of it all, impossible... I end up with a storage unit worth of memories and clothes I can't quite get myself to leave behind.

But aside from that, when I board the flight for Monaco I'm free as a bird. Free in a way I've never been before.

Next chapter, I'm more than ready.

The only thing I dread is seeing Daniel. But my secrets, mine for months now are mine alone. He doesn't know and he never will.

But what we both know is he's a piece of shit.

Sleeping with my supposed friend on my birthday instead of me, when he flew half a continent to be there.

Leaving the night I was planning to tell him the news.

I refuse to let a stupid man stand in the way of watching my dreams come true.

So I will just avoid him like the plague, and work hard. At least I've already learned my lesson with him. With all men, really.

Good things come to those who wait, after all.

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