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For better or worse, I've decided to take Daniel at his word

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For better or worse, I've decided to take Daniel at his word.

Blank slate.

Is it a little unfair that he doesn't necessarily know what he agreed to?



But for now I'm setting that aside.

We're friends.

Friends who've spent every night of late in each others arms, bud friends nonetheless.

So with his hand on my thigh, bottles on the table and surrounded by my favorite people alive we dive into our last night of summer break. It's Charles and Amelia's turn to pick the game and just judging by their smirks alone it's going to be a good one.

"We picked charades." Charles sets a bowl onto the table, wicked grin covering his face.

"X rated charades." Amelia adds "Charles made them so he can't play" And she promptly stick her tongue out at him.

Yup, we're a very mature crowd.

"I'll bartend." Charles elects himself the the most important role of the evening instead.

"Thank fuck, make 'em strong." Max jests, holding out an empty glass.

Well this is going to be good.

"I want Max on my team!" Carmen calls out, getting a reaction out of George.

"Fine - I want to play with Danny anyways." He retorts while scoring his chair dramatically to our side of the table.

"Elsa." Daniel makes his pick, and teams are decided. Charles gets to work on another round of drinks and Carmen rises, self nominated to go first.

Daniel's pinky starts to trace the outside of my thigh and the chills that erupt onto my skin with the simple movement are all too telling. I'm getting far too used to this. To him. Having him by my side most hours of the day and never going to long without a kiss.

But reality beckons us on the other side of the sunrise and a jet booked for a solid twenty hours to Japan.

All eyes on her, Carmen starts to shake in the most awkward way I've ever seen.

George is in absolute stitches, hell we all are.

"Seizure!" Max calls out but Amelia slaps his knee hard, "X-rated!" She reminds him.

"Orgasm!" Amelia calls out with confidence but Carmen shakes her head no.

"That's what you think an orgasm looks like?" Charles snickers.

"Vibrator." Max nails it, taking his teams first point.

"This is war," Daniel proclaims as he moves to dig into the bowl, eyes on the competition "I need a second." He eyes me after reading his card, but George is on his feet fastest.

Bedsides, I have a cosmo to drink now.

And my god can Charles brew a strong drink.

When George reads the card the two men exchange a look I can only read as mischievous. George raises his shirt to reveal his tanned torso, eyes on Daniel.

Where is this going?

"Undressing?" I try with no success.

With zero hesitation Daniel bends down and straight up licks his nipple.

Something I never in a million years I would have  imagined ever seeing. I'm laughing so damn hard there's tears in my eyes, but my partners gaze at me with hand on hips. Awaiting an answer "Nipple play." I manage to weaze out between giggles.

"Ding ding ding!" Daniel proclaims as we take our first point.

Absolutely priceless.

Amelia's turn now, she draws a card and starts motioning like a ballerina hands over her head.

Carmen and Max are calling out all kinds of answers, none of them quite right. She points at the wooden paneling beneath us and still doesn't get it, but I miraculously do.

"It's morning wood." I whisper to Daniel behind my palm, finally understanding her ballerina motions are meant to the be sun.

He looks back at me, twinkle in his eye and bites his lip approvingly.

I absolutely melt.

"Morning wood." She answers as the bell is up, and this is our chance to take the lead.

Honestly I don't give a fuck who wins, I'm just here for the giggles.

This is better than stand up comedy.

My turn arrives and I draw cowgirl, of fucking course. This one I've got in the bag.

Giving Daniel a knowing look, I hit the deck. There's no man beneath me but honestly I don't need one - I start to rock and move my arm around like I'm trying to hold onto a bull.

In seconds Daniel gets it right, saving me from further embarrassment.

By the time our game wraps, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in all my life.

Dear reality, please don't come.

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