Call It A Night

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I can't with Lorenzo, much as I wish I could

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I can't with Lorenzo, much as I wish I could. He still finds time to flirt with me in the paddock and I'd be flattered if I wasn't so sure my heart belonged to someone else.

It's terrible.

I want to think it'll fade in time at least.

In good news Italy comes with a Ferrari one and three, making for a lively party tonight. We always seem to skip the usual club when in country and tonight is no exception. Amelia shut down an outdoor bar and restaurant for us and it's an actual Italian dream.

The second I walk in, I feel his eyes watching me.

My heart pounds with anticipation and I get a shot immediately, knowing what's coming.

And come over he does, "Dance with me." That's all it takes from Daniel to make me melt. He isn't asking, he's telling me. After how many times I've brushed him off this week since the engagement I don't blame him.

And I want to dance with him too.

So I take him up on it, stepping onto the outdoor dance floor with him. It's a slow song kind of evening and I tuck my head under his chin, resting on his shoulder so I don't have to make eye contact.

God he feels so familiar.

I know every inch of his body, and I fucking crave it. It's so painful being around him and not being his, him not being mine. All those weeks of fighting took such a toll on me. All the not speaking.

But now here he is, here we are dancing like not a second has passed. We still have the bubble of energy building between us like it always does when we get too close. It's evident the way he angles his body to mine, the way my hand lingers on his bare flesh as opposed to what's covered by his shirt.

Fucking hell, I've missed this. It's been so painful not to touch him.

My body aches for it. But my mind knows better, I move my head to see his captivating brown eyes. "Don't." I tell him, and myself when I notice the look he's returning. I'm caught in his eyes. Snagged, like catching a sweater on the handle and I can't get loose.

"Don't what?" He plays the innocent card.

"You know what." Daniels lips lift at the corner, just a twitch. Yup, he knows exactly what he's doing. How he's looking at me.

"You look good." There he goes, doing it again. The dare in his eyes, the implications.

I hate him for it. Hate myself. I'm so weak to his touch. "We shouldn't." I murmur, as a last resort to keep from this going on just how the night in the hotel did.

Daniel doesn't speak, dancing us towards the darker corner. He skims his hand under my chest at the edge of my top and nudges at the small cloth with his fingertips. I feel weak in the knees.

"No," He breathes into my ear an agreement, "We shouldn't."

So, of course we do.

Daniel tugs me towards the bathroom and we slip in under the cover of darkness, locking the door behind us. My heart is in my chest when he lifts me up onto the vanity.

"This is a bad idea," I repeat the notion but he grips my waist and I brace myself.

"I can't help myself." Daniel confesses and then covers my mouth with his. The kiss is urgent and hungry. Fucking hell, I missed this. I missed his kisses and the greedy thrust of his tongue. How wild and unbridled he can be, that this wouldn't even be the first time we find ourselves hooking up in a bathroom, unable to wait a second longer.

Our mouths devour each other, almost too roughly and I can't get enough of him.

The anticipation and frantic need is too much. I fumble with the last buttons of his shirt, pulling it open and dragging my nails down his chest until the pain makes him pin my arms behind my back. It's hot and raw, maybe even a little angry. All the unfinished business working itself out between us.

Closing my eyes I allow myself to fade away into the kiss, into the taste of him. Into his touch. Daniel responds by only kissing me deeper, harder and I'm mindless with need. I can't stand it.

Forcing my arms free I pull at his pants, unzipping them with urgency. Daniel watches my lips, eyes on the prize.

"This top is way too small," he hisses in my ear before sliding his hands underneath me and squeezing my ass.

"Small is bad?" I ask breathlessly.

"Only out in public." His eyes flare with jealous and he tugs at my pants.

He starts to move, and I meet him thrust for thrust by lifting my ass. As he plunges into me over and over and over again, we kiss frantically and make helpless, tortured noises against each other's lips. It feels amazing.

Anguish creases his forehead. He bites his lower lip, then slowly releases it. He curses. He groans. His eyes are hot with lust.

He fucks me for longer than I expected, and I realize that his chest is trembling and his features are taut because he's trying desperately not to lose control. So I scrape my nails down his back and squeeze my inner muscles around his dick.

Heat flares in his eyes and then his hips snap forward. The tempo quickens. His breaths come out in short pants, until he gives a final thrust and I can feel the orgasm shudder through his body. His own is enough to set me off and we come in near sync. When he peers down at me, he looks sleepy and sated and it's so damn sexy.

I hop off the counter like it's no fire, the weight of what just happened sweeping over me as we fumble with our clothes.

We emerge and just as I'm about to make a break for it, Daniel grabs my elbow "Don't run away this time."

I know what he means. He wants to talk, so I walk alongside him instead of sprinting away "Just going to the bar."

That's a lie and he knows it, "Mhmm," Max calls his name, pulling his attention from me for a moment I'm terribly thankful for. We're to broken to come back, and I don't need to hear him say it. Not to mention I really don't want to. "I'll find you." Daniel promises, heading for Max.

No, he won't.

Because I break straight for the door.

I've been here under an hour and made far too many questionable choices.

Time to call it a night.

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