Yours Truly

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My friends think I'm insane for saying this, but I truly don't mind working in separate countries a few months of the year from Daniel

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My friends think I'm insane for saying this, but I truly don't mind working in separate countries a few months of the year from Daniel. We visit at least twice a month so it's not too much space, but being forced to communicate largely over the phone gives us a chance to spice it up.

It's not so crazy when you consider D has been on the road since he was a child, mostly alone just as I spent the majority of my childhood.

Much as I love the man, I thrive under time alone.

Not that Amelia would dare let me go lonely, hence why I'm all dressed up in sheer sparkles when Daniel calls to chat for the evening. A call I left the club for, I'm now lounging all alone with a mischievous idea in hat as he describes his days improvements behind the wheel.

He's still with Red Bull in Monaco, fully embracing boys time to game way more with Max.

Before they stay up all night there's a few precious hours on the phone reserved for yours truly, and I've been thinking about them all fucking day.

"Are you always so good?" I ask, toying with my dress as I lie in front of my phone now suctioned to the bed frame curiosity of my new favorite phone case. The angle I've giving him at the minute leaves so much exposed his eyes glazed over with lust the second he saw my outfit.

Frankly I'm surprised he hasn't asked me to wear this again in front of him, but it's still early.

I wonder if he can tell how horny I am? 

"We're champions, babe. That's what we do." He nods, not picking up on my hints.

Damn it. "Ooo, look at you all cocky," I tease shifting the tone in an instant with my next words "Do you have any other, abilities, you're confident about?"

When I lick my lips, understanding flashes in his beautiful hazel eyes. "You're oddly turning me on." 

Nothing odd about it to me but since the conversation is heading in the right direction I'll take it. "Am I?" I ask with a lift of my brow as if I didn't save this dress just for tonight to catch him alone.

"Just staring at you is making me hard. I haven't been able to touch those perfect tits in days baby, it's all I can think about." Oh fuck is it good to know I'm not alone. 

Cutting straight to it, "All I can think about is how good it feels to have you inside of me."

"Babe, don't torture me." He groans. "You realize I love fucking you, right? I would give up my entire savings to have your mouth on my cock right now." His voice is so strained I believe him too. Good.

"Me too," I promise, licking my lips again. Do I really want to commit? A girl has needs you know, and Daniel is the only one able to scratch this itch. "God, I'm so on edge right now. I need you." 

Slipping a shoulder out of my dress, I tease a nipple hardened by the fresh air. It's enough to make me wet, just trying to get him to take me there without being physical here like he has so many times since I've been in Italy.

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