Not Even The Jet Lag

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We only landed less than forty eight hours ago and slept less than five hours - but my body doesn't seem to know that

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We only landed less than forty eight hours ago and slept less than five hours - but my body doesn't seem to know that.

It's not even the jet lag, after all the travel this year I think I'm honestly immune.

It's been an absolute whirlwind, and every square inch of it filled with smiles by Daniels side.

We spend a glorious first day with his parents who did it fact tell so many embarrassing stories about D as I child I almost peed myself. The short and sweet of it is the guys always been a bit of an attention whore.

But he's my attention whore.

Mine to the point he's even posted on his social media about being in Australia with me - ME.

The same me who he told a few weeks ago he could manage anything serious or public with.

Boy, how things change.

Now he's got me in boots and a hat like a full on cowgirl, heading to a bonfire with his hometown friends.

After spending the past two days with his parents this is the opportune moment to ask about what they said when they met us at the plane, but instead I find myself singing along to his country music and grinning with the wind on my face.

He's in boots himself and a hat, looking every inch the cowboy. His muscles and tattoos peeking out from the short sleeves of his white tee in the most tantalizing way.

"I'll take you mudding tomorrow." He tosses me a smile, wind blowing through his hair.


I've only ever heard of that, and all I know is it involves driving though massive puddles of dirt. But ya only live once right?

"Can I drive?" I tease him, the only thing I know he doesn't like for me to do. He's used to being the one behind the wheel.

"You'll get dirty." He tried to desuade me from the inevitable.

"Mhmm, is that a promise?" My tone shifts to something else entirely.

He gives me a wink, playing into it "Anything the lady wants."

Only for this to never end.

But on that note, "So you talked to your parents about me?"

Eyes on the road he keep trying to play it cool "Sure."

"Sure?" I don't allow it.

We're far too good at this, having fun and not discussing any of the feelings shit. But right now I'm dying to know.

"I talk to my parents about everything important."


Shit, I'm important to him.

Score one!

Giving his arm a playful poke "I'm important to you..." I sing song along.

Playing it like my heart is skipping with joy.

"Of course," He grins but his face is serious "What would you say if I said I don't want to share you?"

Well, that was unexpected.

I don't want to share him either.

But this feels.... somehow still too soon.

Daniel feels right though. I don't want to give this up, "Are you asking me to me your girlfriend?" I squeak with half anxiety half thrill.

"I am."

Holy shit.

I can't do this without talking to him first.

And this doesn't feel like the right moment. We're headed to a party...

I'm speechless, drowning in my own mind. He gives me a worried glance that tells me he wasn't expecting silence at the moment.

Of course he wasn't.

He doesn't know. If he could read my mind right now I'm confident he wouldn't be asking me this.

Am I willing to do this? We were never exclusive before and he still managed to break my heart.

A heart he still holds.

There's nothing I can do, it's always been his. I'm his. Our fates woven together in the stars.

Gotta risk to win, Max said.

So here I go, "Wow. I mean, yes." With a deep exhale full of internal turmoil.

"I know it's soon," He takes my hand. "But this just feels right, doesn't it?"

He's got me there "Feels like we were inevitable."

But star crossed lovers tied by fate never end well. Pushing the thought from my mind we roll up to a massive fire surrounded by people, most with drinks in hand.

No time to debate he gives me a quick kiss and comes to open my door, beaming wide.

"Let's party girlfriend."


Sounds so cute in his accent.

Feels like I'm walking on air.

With one easy hop out of the truck, and I do mean hop because it's tall as fuck he swings his arm around me and pulls me towards his friends.

"Dan!!" A group of them cheer in sync and we step their way.

I have a feeling in school he was totally the popular guy.

He was definitely not the quiet perfectionist like me that's for damn sure. I mean, he's major golden retriever energy.

I'm more like tabby cat energy.

But somehow it works.

And I fucking hope it stays this way.

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