1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back

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From the moment we landed in Japan, Daniel hadn't spoken a word to me

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From the moment we landed in Japan, Daniel hadn't spoken a word to me.

We sat apart on the plane and when we said farewell to all our friends as we deplaned, he gave me a casual hug. Just like he gave to everyone else.

I guess we really are just friends.

Friends who don't even have each others phone numbers anymore.


Pierre has at least sent me a few messages, wondering what hotel I'm in and how the flight was. He may be a hot head at times, but he is quite thoughtful.

Just not the person I want to be thinking of me.

Pushing the thought away, I skim my emails as I walk back to the Ferrari garage from the cafe. It's a night race and I'm needing all the caffeine to keep going.

Pierre has promised dinner tonight and honestly I have no idea how I'll manage to stay awake. But I'm certainly trying.

"Elsa!" I hear an all too familiar voice call out, pulling me out of my phone.


My heart skips a beat just laying eyes on him.

"Hello stranger," I greet him as he strides over, pulling me into a hug.

He smells like mint and lemons, a scent I've been missing the last few days.

Just friends, Elsa I try to remind myself.

Fuck me, that sounds so good in my head but every time I'm with him it's like one step toward and three steps back.

I need to distance myself from him.

Need to stop wanting him so much.

But that's a lot harder than it sounds.

"Enjoying Japan?" His smile reaches his eyes at the question.

"It's my first time and the food is a definite yes for me." I'm beaming just being next to him again. He's already clad in his tracksuit and I can't stop my mind from wondering what it'd be like to peel it off him.

"What's up man?" Daniel looks past me, greeting Pierre as he approaches.


They greet each other, all four eyes turning on me expectantly. Suddenly I'm feeling real, real strange.

Is this awkward, or is it just me?

"Do you need a ride out tonight?" Daniel asks, assuming I'll be at the club like always.

"Actually, we have plans." Pierre looks to his fellow driver. They stare eye to eye for just long enough to make things slightly uncomfortable, each one seeming to size the other up.

Yup, definitely awkward.

"Pierre's taking me to some immersion museum." I contribute with a smile, breaking their stares at one another.

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