And That's That

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I'm nearly in tears walking to the Ferrari garage

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I'm nearly in tears walking to the Ferrari garage. I don't know why I care so much for his approval... It was just so much easier when I didn't have to see him. 

When I could tell myself I hate Daniel and believe it. 

When I couldn't feel my heart skip a beat every time my eyes land on him.

This job is the one thing going right for me and I won't throw it away just to avoid some tense moments and conflict with my heart. I can't. So I put my shoulders back, and get to work.

Thanking my lucky stars race days are so busy. I hope Daniel comes in fucking twentieth on the grid. 

I'm beyond irritated and it clearly shows. 

Because as soon as the race starts Amelia pulls me into a corner, "What's wrong?"

Only everything.

Just trying to find the words to say pulls a lump into my throat. "We argued." All I can manage.

"Pierre? I guess he is a hot head." She asks, sipping her water. Sunglasses on but the concern on her face is clear.

Interesting. I haven't seen that from him at all.

"Daniel," Shaking my head "He's pissed at me. He shit on my flowers."

"He has no right to be." She encourages me.

"I mean he doesn't," I agree "But I bailed while he was still sleeping and he flat out accused me of rolling out of his bed into Pierres."

She literally chokes on her water, not seeing that coming at all. "What did you say?"

Now that's the question.

I chose violence. My cheeks turn a little rosy at the confession "I told him Pierre's was better."

Amelia tosses back her head and full on cackles. It's enough to make my laugh with her and get us a few stares, but it's just what I needed after the tense conversation.

It doesn't have to be so serious.

The world doesn't hinge on our interactions together.

But it sure feels like it sometimes.

"Bitch, that is hilarious." Amelia wipes tears from her eyes, weak form my angry tongue. She's right. I could have diffused the situation but instead I threw kerosine on it in the most funny way. "I'm only going to ask you this once, and please don't take it the wrong way.. But are you in love with him? You are fighting like it."

She would know, her and Charles have had some explosive rows. Explosive they excuse as passion... but I never considered that for me.

Do I love Daniel?

My is my stomach flipping at the mere thought?

"I can't love him." I say, barely a whisper. 

I can't. He drew me in, and pushed me away. But I had some of my best moments in years with him. Laughed until I cried with him. One night in Australia for a car meeting turned into days of my life. Pushed flights, hands all over each other. Everyday with him was a rush. Our days together were filled with more smiles and giggles than anything I'd ever experienced at the time.

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