Time Flies

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The next few weeks fly, but they do say time flies when you're having fun

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The next few weeks fly, but they do say time flies when you're having fun.

And I'm most definitely having fun.

We celebrated Charles' birthday last night and even though his race result wasn't great, there wasn't a dry in the house when he stood on the bar and thanked everyone for making this the best year of his life.

I count myself lucky to even be the tiniest piece of that.

Although we all know which blonde holds the majority of that credit. The same blonde whose as usual to breakfast but you gotta love her.

Carmen beat me for once, just type a girl things I suppose. Not waiting we ordered tea and catch about our upcoming return to the motherland.

Her far more so than me, understandably.

"Come on! There's got to be something you
miss." She pokes at me for my favorite parts of England.

"The beans on toast." I say between sips, giving us both something to giggle about.

Amelia finally arrives at that moment, her fomo fully kicking in. "What are we laughing about?"

"Just english foods." Carmen promises and sets to work pouring her a tea.

"Charles is hiding something." She sighs deeply, leaning back into her seat like the weight of the whole world is upon her.

"Hiding what?" I can't hide my shock, those two are rock solid if I've ever seen it.

She's worked up as I've ever seen her, fully fretting. "I don't know!"

Ever our voice of reason, Carmen chips in "What makes you think he's hiding something?

Oh yes, fair point.

"He keeps talking on the phone in french."

Unable to help myself I giggle a little, "Just because he's speaking a language you don't doesn't mean he's hiding anything right?"

She shots me a glare that says clearly: wrong.

"It's an unsaved number."

I whistle through my teeth because now that is sketchy as hell.

"Did you ask him about it?" I try.

"He says it's work." Amelia rolls her eyes as if that's the most ridiculous idea ever, as if the man doesn't work an international job or something.

Okay then.

"Maybe it is!" I take his side because something about this just doesn't feel off to me, but I'll for sure be paying closer attention now.

"Maybe it's another woman." She slouches in her seat and Carmen can't help but snort.

Now that's unlikely.

He's all but obsessed with her.

"Maybe it's a baby." Carmen jokes and now it's my turn to shoot glares.

"We've been through that already." Amelia waves it off, but it does nothing to ease her concern.

Never fear because I know the one thing that will.

"What do you say we go shoe shopping?"

Amelia turns to me slow motion, wicked grin crawling across her face. Carmen smiles in approval, pleased we've found a happy spot for her.

We don't know what Charles is hiding, but if I had to wager money on it he's not hiding a thing.

They'll work it out, they always do.

In the meantime... shoes!

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