Already Gone

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On our final afternoon I find myself answering emails by the pool as Pierre works out, and the happy couple goes shopping

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On our final afternoon I find myself answering emails by the pool as Pierre works out, and the happy couple goes shopping.

They have an outdoor gym and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't distracted as shit by Pierre's efforts in the gym. Try as I might to focus on work, my eyes keep drifting beyond the screen to the very shirtless very sweaty toned man across from me.

Hey, I'm only human.

Pierre signals the end to his workout with a giant splash to the pool, and when our eyes meet over the laptop I know I'm done as well.

"Did you know they literally fuck everyday? Sometimes more than once." Pierre doesn't say my name, or theirs but we both know. Now too distracted to continue I give into a poolside chat with him, moving closer to the water. "It's enough to make a man feel lonely."

I give him a knowing smile because I've had that feeling a time or too myself around the love birds "They are lucky in love." I use the words Amelia has said countless times.

"And in the bedroom." He retorts.

The water glistens off of him like a fucking model, honestly it's too much. "Maybe we'll be that lucky someday."

"Hm, I seem to think I know someone here who is also very good in bed now." Pierre hints and color rises to my cheeks.

He's flirting with me, as he has all trip. But to suggest fucking is another thing altogether. Not that I'm complaining... After the last few weeks I've had it's nice to be wanted.

But I don't know if I can go there... hard enough as it is to keep my mind from wondering to that certain Australian.

So I play hard ball, "I'm sure there's a line of women in town for you."

How could there not be? I mean, just look at the man.

"Nope. I've not had any sex for weeks." His comment catches me a little off guard, because frankly I'd assumed otherwise.

"For weeks?" I giggle, not meeting his eye.

"I'm a man in need." He swims closer, almost too close. And the look in his eye tells me he's already taking off my too small bikini in his mind. It's enough to make my stomach flutter, much as I will it not.

"Interesting." I say, mind running a million miles an hour.

"When was the last time you got properly fucked?" He dives in for the kill and now I am in fact quite horny. He knows just what he's doing.

And when was the last time? Nearly a freaking month ago, before England. But a month feels like too long to admit "Quite some time."

"Still waiting around for him?" Pierre dares to go there.

I pause a moment to think, but honestly I know the answer in my bones. It's too far gone. He's lost to me now. "Ah, I think that ship has sailed."

"No chance of emergency return to port?" He banters with me, using my same metaphor.

No chance. "It's long into international waters now." And other women, I'm sure. With the words I lower myself into the pool, dipping under the water to cool down for a moment. A moment to think, and I've made up my mind.

No use waiting around for a ship that's long gone.

When I emerge, he continues "How will you satisfy your needs stranded at port then?"

"Not sure I'll stay there that long." I'm telling him this isn't permanent, nothing serious. But his face tells me he already knows, this is about something else entirely.

"That I'm on board with." Fucking hell, he is good at this ship talk.

"Perhaps you have some ideas for this port then?" He's giving me a dangerous look, and I know down in my toes I'm about to go there. I knew it the second I slipped into the pool because honestly I can't fucking help myself, he's too good.

"More than a few." With that Pierre reaches out and pulls me close, so close I can feel his heart beating. Feel his abs against me. Feel the desire, looking right into each others eyes.

A fire warms my belly, and I'm already gone.

"I love this suit." He tells me, trailing his index finger around the outline of my bikini top. A shiver rolls through my body when I make eye contact with him again, and he's positively smoldering.

What they say about frenchman being a great lay, is so fucking true.

He's looking at me like I'm his next meal and without a word he pulls me into him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He's already hard and we're kissing, clawing at each other desperately. We don't speak, don't mess around with any real foreplay because we don't need to.  This isn't about that.

It's raw and primal and Pierre slips my bottoms to the side effortlessly, teasing me with his tip.

I spread my legs to allow him and pull his bum tighter, closer to me. I need more and so I take it. Pierre grants me an approving moan of pleasure.

In a heartbeat we fall into rhythm together, moving in short quick strokes. No time for teasing so I close my eyes and give in, orgasm crashing around me. I take every drop of pleasure from him until he's over the edge as well, both is us breathing raggedly.

There's a clatter of doors behind us and we jump feet apart like kids caught with our hands in the candy jar, neither of us wanting Charles and Amelia to see us like that.

Pierre gives me a little wink and dives under the water, both of us pleased to not be caught.

Trying to act as causal as possible I wade towards the shallow end, slipping my sunglasses back on.

My heart raced at the fact we were nearly caught, or maybe at the fresh orgasm.. I can't be sure.

Our friends emerge with drinks in hand a cheekily little grins that say maybe we weren't as discreet as we thought.

"Having fun?" Charles is definitely smirking, but I take the spirtz he's offering regardless.

"A little." I can't help but smile and Amelia laughs loudly.

Yeah, chances are good they know.

"I'm having a lot of fun actually." Pierre chimes in from the deep end.

"Not too much though eh?" Charles teases him.

Pierre clears his throat, "How was shopping?" A welcome change of subject and a knowing look in my direction.

Charles chats cooly with him and Amelia whispers to me, "Feeling better?"

And the knowledge is confirmed.

"Mhmm." I don't give details, swimming away from her and the questions with my drink in hand.

She smiles widely, my answer enough for her and we walk towards the men to debate this evenings dinner. I thank my lucky stars they don't push it and keep my distance from Pierre.

Yeah, we're definitely going to have to girl brunch on this one.

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