Fear For My Sanity

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My heart is pounding when I knock on Daniels door

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My heart is pounding when I knock on Daniels door.

I've been dreading this moment since the moment the plans were made. It got even worse when Max bailed for some last minute work, meaning it's all up to me and Daniel to make the virtual catering choices for this weekends proposal.

We haven't been alone in a hotel room since Vegas.

Hell, we've barely spoken since. And it hasn't been that amicable when we have.

But this is for Charles and Amelia. So I'm here, quaking in my boots, but here. Finally working up the guts I knock on Daniels door. There's sounds of rummaging, and then the door swings open.

To reveal a dripping wet, only clothed in a towel Daniel.

Fucking hell.

If it's possible, he looks even better than I remembered.

I gulp hard, hoping to bring some moisture to my arid mouth. Daniel moves slightly to let me in and my shoulder rubs against his on entrace.

The brush enough to send spark through my system. I glance at him startled, expecting him to move he stays put. We stand there in the darkness, facing each other.

Neither of us speak, but so much is said at the same time. His eyes on mine, looking at me the way he used to. The way every girl wants to be looked at by a man.

The air is still hot and muggy from the steam, but now it's also thick with tension.

The sexual kind.

The "he's is looking at me like he's already inside me" kind.

It's dangerous.

I don't fear for my safety. But I fear for my sanity.

Shadows dance across his masculine features. I catch a glimpse of his tongue dragging over his bottom lip. Long fingers scraping over his wet curled hair. Then he speaks in a gravelly voice that sends a hot shiver up my spine.

"You should leave."

He's right.

This was a bad idea and we both know it.

But neither of us musters the self will to walk away.

My pulse hammers in my throat. It's all I hear, the relentless thump-thump of my heart. "What if I don't?" I find myself asking, and we both hear the breathy note in each word.

He moves closer. Slowly. Deliberately. Until he's completely backed me up against the hotel wall.

"If you don't go? Then I'll probably kiss you," he says bluntly.

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