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On our last morning before break, Daniel wakes me as always with a coffee

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On our last morning before break, Daniel wakes me as always with a coffee. But I'm still naked under the covers from last nights activities and the second I sit up to take the steaming mug, my boobs peek out.

Nipples hard from the brisk morning. But they aren't the only things getting hard by the looks of it. Daniel is giving me that look again, a gleam of yearning etched in his brown eyes.

Unable to stop himself he reaches over and swipes his thumb over my nipple.

And that's all it takes.

It never takes much between the two of us.

I never expected to have such crazy sexual chemistry with him, but we have since the day we met. It's like he's in my blood. It's addictive and I never want to give it up. Him up.

"You're so sexy." He pushes onto the bed, voice husky with longing.

My whole body comes alive. "Morning to you too." I bite his lower lip and Daniel groans with desire.

He responds with a deep chuckle, then rolls us over so we're lying on our sides facing each other. Tugging the covers down so most of my skin is exposed.

Exposure that only turns us both on more. He cups my left breast and squeezes gently. This time when his fingertips find my nipple, it's with one purpose. He rubs the rapidly hardening bud. Then he releases and slips his hand at a painstakingly slow pace lower down my body.

Yes, yes, yes.

Please let me wake up like this forever.

He presses his thumb to my clit and I'm moaning in pleasure, begging him for more before I've even had my morning coffee.

The pad of his thumb gently circles my clit, sending a hot shiver racing up my spine. He rubs and teases until I'm swollen, aching, and my hips involuntarily hitch forward, seeking deeper contact.

He's fully pitching a tent but he's already taken me to the edge. I whisper his name in a warning tone "Daniel" Because there's no chance I can hang on much longer.

"Elsa," He's breathing hard.

"I'm so....," I struggle with the words, breathing harder as the pleasure takes over "Close."

His hand moves lower, his palm scraping my pussy on its descent. One talented finger slips inside me. A cross between a breath, a sigh and a groan escapes my lips, but it's instantly cut off when Daniel presses his lips to mine.

I kiss him back hungrily, helpless to resist him. Desperate for more, for this not to end.

He grinds the heel of his hand against my clit, and the delicious pressure has my thighs clenching together. Pleasure gathers between my legs, making my entire body tremble.

I'm far too aware of the sounds we're making. Our heavy breathing. The wet glide of his finger moving inside me.

Tattooing these memories inside my brain.

"I know. I always know when you're getting close," He whispers.

"How?" The methodical thrust of his finger too distracting.

I start to squirm, my inner muscles bearing down on him as the pleasure intensifies and dances along my heated flesh.

"The look in your eyes... the flush of your cheeks..." His warm mouth skates over my jaw before traveling down my neck. "Your pulse throbs...right here" He licks the center of my throat "and your pussy squeezes me so fucking tight."

His tongue continues traveling down, sucking hard on my nipple. Swirling it around his mouth, and nibbling on my skin.

It's intense.

It's probably going to leave a hickey.

It's perfect.

My breaths go shallow.

My mind is all fog. His deep voice and magical hand are all I'm able to focus on, but when he curves his finger and starts moving it faster, my brain shuts down completely.

"That's it," He says hoarsely. "Come for me, baby."

I close my eyes and let the sensations take over, gasping softly as the pressure finally releases and I float away on a cloud of bliss. Sighing, I rest my cheek against his pecs, while lingering flutters of pleasure sweep through my body.

What a way to start the day.

"That was... unreal." I lie back, trying to catch my breath.

"I like waking up with you." His voice is husky, and there's an inexplicable chord it.

But I like waking up with him too.

But once again, reality is calling us back.

These days have been some of my favorites... well, ever. We've seen his parents nearly every day and it's no secret I absolutely adore them. They're witty, kind and always smiling.

I see how they made such an amazing man.

They've taken me in like one of their own, treating me as if I've been around for years.

They've made it feel almost like... home here.

It makes me uneasy. Makes me scared to lose this. Lose him.

Which means I need to tell him, have to tell him. He deserves to know. The fear of it breaking us is holding me back but I have to work up the courage. After the race, I promise myself I will.

I can do this.

And I have to do this.

We'll be fine.

Won't we?

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