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After another week of waiting, my hopes and dreams are answered

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After another week of waiting, my hopes and dreams are answered.

To nobodies surprise I'm perched at Amelia and Charles villa, laughing around the fire as the sun sets when my favorite aussie in the whole world comes from out of nowhere. The brunette man jumps to his feet and literally sprints towards the porch, noticing seconds before I do.

I don't know anyone else in the world who gets more excited about surprises than Charles.

Self included.

Still, I can hardly see the man through my blurry eyes, his voice alone is enough to tell me whose here. "I leave for a few days and you get all sappy on me?" Daniel tugs me into a hug of my own, noting the tears of excitement in my eyes. With a man this good, can you blame me?

I think not. "This is the best surprise ever!" I grin, very pleased with the extra thirty six hours his early arrival has given us. When my tears clear all I can do is look at his beautiful smile.

Fuck, I've missed him so damn much.

Two weeks far too many this go around

Not letting me out of his arms when Daniel growls "We need a bed" into my hair my whole body stands to attention against his muscular frame. 

This is a moment I've been thinking about for a while sure, but every time feels just as exciting as the last.

In record timing we crash through the door of my villa, lips desperate, pawing each others clothes off with starved passion. One look after ripping his shirt off reveals what my hand had suspected, his abs got even better while we've been apart.

Damn, how does he do it? "How did you bloody manage to get better looking in two weeks?"

Against my ear I can tell his smiles at the compliment, and his actions prove it further because in our second record timing for his visit, we are out from my villa with two orgasms and a change of clothes under our belt, heading for his favorite cafe spot here within the hour. Daniel is amazing in bed, hands down the best I've ever had, he almost always gets me there before him which is as rare as a fucking unicorn in bed.

He's my unicorn, so when I've got him in my arms all I can do is pray this paradise never ends. "Tell me I don't have to say goodbye right away."

"I could only manage four days." Daniel tosses me a grin, noting my own at the extra day.

"Really?" His smile is so contagious my cheeks hurt already. The man really is the golden retriever excited dog, and I am the quiet moody black cat. The cat who smiles around him thought.

"Really." His fingers dance across my knuckles, "Sorry it's not more."

I can't deny more would be nice. Still, the man packs so much love into every minute we get together it makes every minute we spend apart chasing our dreams worth it.

"Baby, I'll take four days a year in your arms over three hundred and one in anyone else's."

Now whose smile is so stupid big it takes up his whole face?

My boyfriends.

My forever.

Four days of absolute heaven, a lifetime of bliss to follow after? Doesn't sound so bad a future after all.

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