Out Of My System

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When morning rudely awakens me, my body is exhausted

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When morning rudely awakens me, my body is exhausted. We didn't sleep until the sun rose. Too enthralled with each others bodies instead, it was pure fucking magic.

The most intense, amazing sex of my life. He made me come three times, which I didn't even realize was possible in such a short span before. It feels like everything is possible with him

In between, he didn't stop pushing the issue. One thing is clear to me, Daniel wants me to like him.

Wants me to let him in.

But I learned my lesson last time.

I won't cave so easily now.

Great sex isn't enough to make me open up my walls to him now. If anything, his comment to me in the car only sealed the deal.

It is nothing but sex between us.

I won't allow some breakfast date to convince me otherwise.

So instead, I move as silently as I can to put on last nights dress. Leaving Daniel sleeping in bed without a word, and very much alone.

Allowing myself one last glance before I leave, I notice how he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, the only time he isn't smiling. Or joking. He's just... calm.

It sends a twinge through my cold heart.

Since I changed numbers, I reckon I can avoid him until at least Australia.

One can only hope.

This morning I don't need any more of his charm. I need time alone. I'll get a workout in. Explore the city. Get him off my mind.

I can do this. All on my own. Right?

"How was it?" Amelia asks, eyes wide as kid in the candy shop the second I set foot into the jet.

We're taking an evening flight to Australia, supposedly the easiest day to conquer nearly twenty hours on the plane.

She can only mean one thing, Daniel.

The sex was great. The emotions, not so much.

"Which time?" I ask with a smirk. "Because all three were fucking fantastic."

Amelia squeals.

Charles mouth hangs open.

"Three?" He asks in disbelief.

"Three." I confirm as I take my seat, grinning wide.

"Damn." She is clearly excited for me, but I can't lie to myself about the nerves swirling inside me.

But those, those nerves I'll save for brunch. I can't unpack this before Charles. He seems like the kind of guy that wouldn't like keeping secrets.

"Yup, got him out of my system now." I'm lying to myself, trying my damnest to believe it.

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