Bundle Of Nerves

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The Belgian Gran Prix week comes as a mixed bag of emotions for me

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The Belgian Gran Prix week comes as a mixed bag of emotions for me. Priority number one is avoiding any more painful talks with Daniel, and on morning one I'm so far so good.

It's always hard to leave Italy, and honestly I find myself wishing the rest of this season would hurry by so I can return. Return to work, to life not so close to any of the men that scramble my mind.

Well, Pierre isn't so bad. A welcome distraction now that we're both on the same page and it's just sex. Just sex that only pulls me out of my head for so much time, but great sex still.

Either way I find myself arriving to lunch after Charles, ever curious what the hells going on. This 'secret' of his has also been a good distraction for my wandering mind, but I can only keep a secret so long from Amelia so this better be fucking good. I'm not good at keeping things from her and it's been literally eating away at me since Italy.

The way she looked at me when I boarded the plane here, I could have sworn she knows something. I nearly crumbled on the fucking spot.

"Charles Leclerc, you better spill." He greets me with a hug but I'm furnishing demands at our table for four.



"Not just yet, wine?" He asks looking every inch the nervous man and very unlike himself at that.

If I wasn't nervous before I sure as hell am a bundle of nerves now. What the hell is going on?

"Sure." Charles pours me a glass, and I notice none other than Max Verstappen walking in from the back of the restuant.

Funny we'd run into him here at this of all times.

"Ciao," He walks right up to our table, pulling the chair next to Charles out.

Okay then, maybe not so funny to see him here.

So Charles' secret involves Max then?

"Hello stranger," I greet him back taking my wine in hand. "Do you know what this is about?" Because if Charles isn't ready to spill yet maybe he will be.

"I have my guesses." The twinkle in his eye tells me not to worry, so I sit back in my seat. If Max isn't concerned I probably shouldn't be either.


"What's she doing here?" Our fourth and final quest approaches from behind and I immediately sit right up my chair. I don't have to turn around to know who it is.


I could kick Charles right now.

Well, there goes my plan for avoiding him all weekend... Flying right out the window.

Glaring at Charles, I ask him the same thing with my eyes. I cross my arms to let Daniel know I'm not in pleased with this either.

"Honestly, what the fuck?"

Charles only shrugs in return, letting it roll off his shoulders. He looks positively antsy as it is pouring the wine.

"Calm down children, this isn't about us." Max chimes in first, chiding us like school kids and my frown only goes.

"I thought you said you didn't know what this was about?" I insist to him as Daniel takes a seat.

The hairs on my body prickle up at the proximity of him and I physically can't look at him.

"I don't want to sit next to her." Daniel insists.


He really knows how to charm a women, eh? From can't keep his hands off me to can't bare to sit next to me in a matter of weeks.

Max rolls his eyes and Charles takes control of the situation "She doesn't have cooties you ass. Anyways, it's about Amelia," Saying the one set of words we're all willing to listen to, even if begrudgingly. "I'm going to ask her to marry me."

He grins as big as I've ever seen, and I can't help but gasp. Max slaps him on the back in celebration and Daniel let's out a whistle of shock as the words sink in over our table.

Oh fuck, I'm glad this is a good secret.

On the same hand, bad I'm gonna keep having it. I wish he would have invited Carmen so we could squeal together but I suppose the boys will have to do. Or just Max. Who can at least manage to sick next to me without as stink.

But Amelia! I bet she freaking cries tears of joy. And she is a beautiful crier, it's truly unfair. After only being here a short amount of time I'm actually thrilled Charles dares include me on such a massive moment.

It's an actual honor.

"Fucking hell, thought I'd never see the day." Max gets a smile so big from Charles it takes up his entire face.

"She's a lucky woman!" Daniel exclaims.

"And you a lucky man! What can we do to help?" I squeal with joy.

"I need a photographer, nothing crazy." Charles starts laying out a plan of action.

"I got it." Daniel beams at me and my stomach does fucking summersaults, issues between us forgotten for the moment.

"Thank you mate. I want to do it in Italy, and host a party after... I need to think of a way to surprise her with it."

Italy is perfect, but the Italian Grand Prix is only a week and a half away at this point.

So this is a major rush.

"Large or small party?" Max asks and the wheels in our heads are all churning.

"Very small. Just our closest people." Charles decided and immediately I know the perfect spot.

It won't be easy to get it so last minute, but the Ferrari name goes a very long way in Italy. Pulling it up on my phone I make the recommendation and wait for approval from the table.

Daniels hairy knee rubs against mine and I jump back, caught off guard by the spark that coursed through my body.

He still makes my insides go all mush.

He looks to me as I jump, a pleased with himself smile spreading across his face. Damn him, I never know if I want to kiss him or hit him.

But the time we leave lunch, our plans is in motion and the fact he invited both Daniel and I all but forgotten.

If anything a small rift between us healed a bit as we united over a common cause. We set a date later in the week to meet again and I emailed some of the vendors we'll need.

Turns out this is just the kind of secret I like
to keep after all.

Leclerc-Ferrari wedding, here we come!

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