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Max springs into action, ordering several kinds of chocolates and three bottles of wine

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Max springs into action, ordering several kinds of chocolates and three bottles of wine. This must not be his first go around with heartbroken girls, "Younger sister." He smiles at me after ordering as if he read my mind.

I do my best to smile weakly back at him, thankful for the company and support of my guardian angel tonight. "Do you think he'll ever speak to me again?" I ask feebly.

"I'm certain he will." Max answers with the confidence of a man who doesn't know what just went down.

A piece of me breaks.

I don't have the strength to keep the secret locked away anymore.

So I don't. "I was pregnant once."

My voice shakes and Max sits across from me, taking it all in. I can see when he puts two and two together and knows it was Daniels. Knows I don't have a child... anymore.

"I'm so sorry." His apology is genuine, the care on his face giving me enough strength to continue.

"We weren't speaking anymore, and so I never told him." Deeply exhaling at the confession.

Room service knocks, rolling in at an unheard of speed. Guess they weren't too busy at one in the morning. Amidst the wines there's cake, ice cream, macaroons... a feast fit for a heartbroken girl. I have to hand it to Max, he really does know how to place one hell of a room service order.

When they clear out he pulls back beside me, offering me a spoon and a glass.

Just what I needed without a word passing between us.

"And how did he find out?"

Now that's a hell of an unexpected twist. "We, I - ran into Christian today. I haven't seen him since... Since I was still pregnant. And he asked about the baby. I ran away, rather Amelia pulled me away."

It sounds even worse than it worse, but Max isn't one to judge. "Amelia knows?"

I nod and he surfs the movies as I watch his brain put it all together, carefully considering his nexts words. "Just give it time."

Well then.

If Max doesn't think it's hopeless, maybe it's not.

After last night, it's all I can do to force myself to leave the bed.

My childhood conditioned me to pull my boot straps up and work, regardless of the chaos of your heart at least. One good thing to come of it.

Max stayed with me all night, and we shared a bed fully clothed. Strictly platonic but meant far more to me than he knows. When I woke up, he was gone. But he's a busy man I suppose. I set about packing and sent him a thankful text that somehow feels short of the gratitude he deserves.

The second I hop out of my car for the jet to America, Charles strides down the stairs and pulls me into a deep hug.

He knows.

The touch alone enough to crumble me after my last twenty four hours, and I just cry into his arms.

He's the closet thing I've ever had to a brother and when he holds me and "I promise, you'll overcome this." I want so desperately to believe him.

If he thinks I can, I can.

I can overcome this.

But right now just surviving it feels impossibly hard.

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