Here Goes Nothing

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"Morning" A very chipper Daniel wakes me up a little too soon, but I'm gonna let it slide since he's made my coffee just the way I like again

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"Morning" A very chipper Daniel wakes me up a little too soon, but I'm gonna let it slide since he's made my coffee just the way I like again.

Last night was an absolute whirlwind of pure bliss.

"Hi," I croak only emerging from the covers enough to take my cup of joe.

Daniel is beaming.

His grin is contagious in spite of me being not so much a morning person.

"Good news and bad news." He sit at my feet, already drenched from his morning workout. How the hell does he do that? I'll never know.

Normally the mention of bad news would make my stomach swirl but here, with him I don't have a worry in the world.

"Bad news first." I say between sips, and damn he nailed that sugar ratio today.

I always prefer to rip off the bandaid and I imagine his bad news has something to do with the breakfast options. A worry I don't mind. Breakfast food is not my favorite. I wish more places served lunch for breakfast but that's a worry for another time.

With a deep inhale he rips the bandaid I requested "Photo's of us kissing last night got leaked to the press."


If I would have given it two seconds thought I would have imagined that would happen. With hundreds in the crowd things don't seem to stay quiet.

A part of me figured he wouldn't mind.

But his face says he does.

I've never spent much time in the public eye, and the only PR I have to answer to is me, myself and I. Not the same at all for Daniel.

I'm dying of curiosity to see the photo's but for now I'll put that aside. "Good or bad?" All I can manage as my brain is still in the process of waking up.

Please, please don't tell me you regret it.

Please don't regret me.

I don't know if I can stomach that.

"No use crying over spilled milk." He says with a nonchalant shrug. AKA he's willing to roll with the punches. AKA he doesn't mind being seen with me.

Relief floods my system.

"And the good news?"

"What are your plans the next nine days?" His worried eyes replaced with the smile he usually carries.

Nine days?

We have a stretch before Brazil and honestly I was planning to fly back to Italy and house shop. I need a landing place. A place to call home. Even if it's just for a few days a year.

Maybe he'll want to come with me... "I was planning on Italy." Scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion. He looks far to excited for someone about to ask to tag along with me.

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