Only When I'm With You

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When the doors closes behind us, I expect Daniel to be all over me

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When the doors closes behind us, I expect Daniel to be all over me. But he isn't. If anything, he slides further away.

What the fuck?

Okay then.

Opposite sides of the backseat, I rest my forehead on the cool glass to watch the passing cars. I'm certainly not making the first move here. What am I even doing here?

I can feel him staring at me, but we sit in silence.

The air feels thick. Tense.

Not what I expected at all.

"E?" Daniel finally breaks the silence, using a nickname nobody else has ever called me. It feels familiar on his lips, almost intimate in his aussie accent.

Breaking away from my window view, I finally turn to meet his eye again. He looks almost sad. Remorseful. My stomach starts to swirl immediately.

No, no, no. I don't want to do this right now.

I'm clinging to his every movement, half expecting an apology. "Yes?" I press for more.

Where is this going?

"I, I can't get into anything public right now. Or serious."

Of course.

Of course he doesn't apologize.

Doesn't want to be seen with me.

My walls fly back into place immediately. Bracing myself against any hurt.

His dark brown eyes searching mine for a reaction, but I don't give it.

Pulling humor out of my armory instead, "Relax Daniel. I only want you for your body." Forcing a smile to form on my lips to disguise the disappointment I shouldn't be feeling.

And I do. This is just about the sex. I need his touch to stop feeling like an electrical current on my skin, and this is my best bet at flushing it out of my system.

I must have convinced him because he lets out a small laugh as our car slides to a halt.

"This is us." He is out of the car in a flash, reaching for my hand to help me out.

The slightest touch of my hand in his feels like being set on fire.

There goes my heart again, beating far too fast.

Fucking hell.

Daniel doesn't relinquish his hold on my hand, leading me through the lobby. Holding onto me even in the elevator though we don't speak a word. I don't even know what to say, I'm just dying to get his clothes off. Get some privacy. His brown eyes are sparkling with mischievous thoughts and I'm dying to see what they are.

I expect him to be all over me when we walk into the room, but yet again he isn't. Heading for the bar instead.

"Do you still drink whisky?" Daniel ask, back to me.

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