At My Mercy

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"Do you want me to stop?" Daniel threads his fingers through my hair, asking hoarsely

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"Do you want me to stop?" Daniel threads his fingers through my hair, asking hoarsely.

"Never." I mumble against his lips.

His massive hands slowly glide up my stomach to my cup my breasts. The hotel robe slips to allow him entrance and it's barely hanging on a this point, not that either of us care.

I shiver when his fingertips dance over my nipples, which picker tightly. Daniel notices and a faint smile tugs at his lips.

He's so sexy it hurts. Holding onto my waist, he walks us backward toward the bed, his fingers biting into my flesh and our clothes hit the floor.

He pressed himself against me, letting me feel him hard abasing my leg. It's nothing short of intoxicating.

I kiss his neck, his shoulder, middle down his chest until he's calling my name.

We're both breathing heavy when we fall onto the mattress, colliding me on top of him. His hips snap forward, seeing contact, seeking relief, seeking me.

I feel alive.

Drunk on love.

Unable to stop myself I glide my tongue across his shift and sink to my knees, taking him in my mouth.

He moans loud enough I'm sure every single person on the floor can hear it.

I positively relish in. In the soft groans that vibrate through his chest and the tension. In the way his fingers tangle in my hair.

I'm the one on my knee's but he's completely at my mercy, the room full of pleasure and anticipation.

He tugs me up to my feet, smiling as he tilts my jaw up with his thumb. Then he kisses me so deep I feel weak in the knees.

He groans right before pining me against the wall. "Fuck," He says against my lips, slipping his hand down to my clit. He starts fingering me as his mouth takes control. "You're already so wet."

"I can't tell you how long I've been thinking about this." About him. Only multiple times a day, every day we have spent apart. It's torture.

Daniel scoops me up by my ass, and I lock my legs around him as he finds my entrance, slowly sliding into me. "You're mine Elsa. Nobody else gets you like this." His tone is so commanding it turns me on even more.

He doesn't have to say it because I've always been his.

But that doesn't mean I don't like hearing it.

He thrusts up, and I'm so overwhelmed by the change I give myself freely to him. I can feel my body climbing, getting so close so fast the way he's driving into me. 

"All yours Daniel." I whisper into his ear, making his entire body shiver.

"This is going to be fast." he holds me tightly, thrusting a few more times before my orgasm breaks. I squeeze him tightly, tilting my head back and his lips fall to my neck. Peppering kisses as he cries out my name.

He doesn't set me down immediately, placing both his hands around my face first and kissing me deeply for a few moments before setting me down.

"That was... insane." I'm still breathing heavy, unmoving as my body adjusts to standing on my own two feet again.

"It was perfect," He exhales "But we still need to talk."


The one thing we've never been good at.

In spite of the pleasure we just experienced, I feel anxiety climbing up my spine.

"About what?"

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